Abbasi, Najibeh
The role of Tabari's and Baghoi's commentaries in the formation of the suspicion of the Qur'an's indebtedness to Ahadin [(Articles in Press)]
Abbasi, Suleiman
An Approach to Claiming the Quotation of the Quranic Narration from Ancient Texts Concerning Noah’s Flood [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 251-276]
Abdollahi, Tahereh
A Critical Review of Ahmad Khalafallah's View on the Existence of Mythical Stories in the Qur’an [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2017, Pages 31-45]
Abdollahi, Tahereh
Izutsu’s Semantics of the Quran [Volume 13, Issue 24, 2018, Pages 61-75]
Abdul Muhammadi, Husain
Review of orientalists' view on the battles of the prophet of Islam [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2013, Pages 65-86]
Afzali, Mohammad Ali
A study of the subject of "exaggeration" in Oliver Lyman's Qur'anic Encyclopedia [Volume 15, Issue 29, 2021, Pages 270-292]
Agahi, Ma’sumeh
Early Challenges to the History of Qur’an [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2010, Pages 33-58]
Agahi, Ma’sumeh
Analysis of Article: Twelver Shi‘i Ta‘wil [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2010, Pages 119-148]
Aghajani, Mojtaba
An Investigating the Equivalents of ‘Lam’ and ‘Lamma’ in Russian Translation of the Holy Quran [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 201-226]
Aghdasi, Abbas
An Analysis of the Personality and Works of Johann Zschendorf in Germany in the 17th Century [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 131-156]
Ahmad Hashemi ‘Ali Abadi, Sayyed
Evaluation of the Qur’anic articles of the Americana encyclopedia [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2015, Pages 9-30]
Ahmadifar, Mustafa
A review of orientalists’ approaches on Meccan and Medinan chapters and verses [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2012, Pages 77-92]
Ahmadifar, Mustapha
An Analysis of the Orientalist View on the Seven Letters [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2010, Pages 149-170]
Ahmadi Far, Mustafa
Orientalists’ approach to abrogation in the Qur’an [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2014, Pages 37-52]
Akbar Bakhshayesh, Ali
The pre-concepts of orientalists on contradiction between the Quran and science [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2013, Pages 33-54]
Akbar Farahi Bakhshayesh, Ali
A criticism of some Orientalists’ theory of the separation of the Qur’an and the science [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2014, Pages 49-68]
Akbar Farahi Bakhshayesh, Ali
The Compatibility of the Qur’an and natural sciences from the Orientalists’ viewpoint [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2014, Pages 109-146]
Akbar Farahi Bakhshayish, Ali
A review of Orientalists’ opinion on contradiction of the Quran with natural sciences [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2012, Pages 31-56]
Akbar Farahi Bakhshayish, Ali
Critique of Social tendency of “The Contemporary Interpretation of the Holy Quran” [= “The Study Quran”] [Volume 16, Issue 30, 2021, Pages 82-107]
Akhavan-Moqaddam, Zohra
A Critique of the Orientalists’ Typology on Meccan and Medinan Nature of Quranic Verses and Surahs [Volume 18, Issue 34, 2023, Pages 199-224]
Akhtavian, Parvin
Critical Analysis of the Allegations of Violence against the Prophet Muhammad (P) from the Perspective of Orientalists [Volume 18, Issue 34, 2023, Pages 139-170]
Akhund, Sakineh
Review of the Article on the Status of Khadija (a) in the Leiden Encyclopedia of the Quran [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2019, Pages 89-104]
Akrami, Mohammad Hossein
An Investigating the Accusation Against the Prophet (P) of Marrying to Married Woman (Muhsinah) Based on the Verses of Surah Ahzab [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 61-82]
Alaee Rahmani, Fatemeh
An examination of the entry "adoption" in the Encyclopedia of Islam [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2015, Pages 137-162]
Alaei Rahmani, Fatemeh
A Critical Study of the Entry of Adam (A.S.) in the Encyclopedia of Islam [Volume 16, Issue 30, 2021, Pages 269-294]
Alavi, Hossein
A Study of the Inimitability of the Quran in Oliver Leaman’s Encyclopedia of the Quran [Volume 13, Issue 24, 2018, Pages 29-48]
Alavi, Seyyed Hossein
An In-Depth Analysis of Contemporary Orientalist Quranic Studies, with a Focus on the United States [Volume 18, Issue 34, 2023, Pages 9-38]
Alavimehr, Husayn
Analysis of Article: Companions of the Prophet (s) [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2010, Pages 97-118]
Alavi Mehr, Hossein
A Critical Review of Ahmad Khalafallah's View on the Existence of Mythical Stories in the Qur’an [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2017, Pages 31-45]
Alavi Mehr, Hossein
Review of the Article on “Shafaʿa” in the Oliver Leaman’s Encyclopedia of the Quran [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2017, Pages 103-122]
Alavi Mehr, Hossein
Ascension of the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) from the perspective of Orientalists [(Articles in Press)]
Alavi Mehr, Hussain
Prophets and prophethood [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2009, Pages 65-81]
Alavi Mehr, Hussain
Examination of the “Quran” entry in the Encyclopedia of Islam [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2015, Pages 9-40]
Alavi Mehr, Hussain
A Critique of Orientalists’ Views on Predestination in the Quran [Volume 14, Issue 26, 2019, Pages 117-138]
Alavi Mehr, Hussain
Alavi Mehr, Hussain
A Critical Analysis of Andrew Repin's Article “Camel or Rope” [Volume 15, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 47-66]
Alavi Mehr, Hussain
A Study of the Theory of the Prophetic Experience of Revelation, Yousef Darreh Haddad [Volume 15, Issue 29, 2021, Pages 10-38]
Alavi Mehr, Hussain
Interaction of Seyyed Hossein Nasr's views with the people of the book in the book of contemporary commentary [Volume 16, Issue 30, 2021, Pages 163-181]
Alavi Mehr, Hussain
A Quranic Analysis of the Foundations of Civilization in the Declaration of the Second Step with Emphasis on the Critique of Will Durant’s Viewpoint [Volume 16, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 9-41]
Alavi Mehr, Hussain
Criticism of Orientalists’ Suspicions about Violence in the Verses of Jihad [Volume 17, Issue 32, 2022, Pages 25-48]
Alavi Mehr, Hussain
A Critical Review of the Theory of “Self-Reference of the Quran” in the Encyclopedia of Oliver Leaman, Emphasizing the Thoughts of His Eminence Ayatollah Khamenei [Volume 18, Issue 35, 2024, Pages 75-98]
AlaviMehr, Hoseyn
Interpretation of Quran in the Modern Era [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2007, Pages 91-116]
Alawi, hosain
A Study of the Most Important Foundations of Qur'anic Research Orientalists (with Emphasis on American Qur'anic Scholars) [Volume 15, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 9-28]
Alawimehr, Hossein
Izutsu’s Semantics of the Quran [Volume 13, Issue 24, 2018, Pages 61-75]
Ali Aashuri Taluki, Nad
A review of the article on orientalists' view about sufficiency of the Quran and denial of traditions [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2013, Pages 135-157]
Ali Akbar Rabi Nataj, Syed
Evaluation of Goldziher’s Views About the Influence of the Sciences of Theology, Philosophy and Mysticism on the Modeling of the Prophet’s (s) Personality [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2017, Pages 77-104]
Alighadr, Mohammad Ali
A Study on Some Orientalists' Standpoint about Sufficiency of The holy Qur’an and Negation of Hadiths [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2010, Pages 29-64]
Ali Hujjati, Muhammad
Orientalist Methods of Tradition Research [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2010, Pages 77-96]
Alimoradi, Zahra
Critique of Goldziher's view of the comprehensiveness and being worldly of the Holy Quran [Volume 16, Issue 30, 2021, Pages 236-268]
Ali Rezaee, Muhammad
A review of entry 'translation of the Quran' from the Oliver Leaman Encyclopedia of the Quran [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2013, Pages 73-97]
Ali Rezaee Isfahani, Mohammad
The German translations of the Noble Quran [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2015, Pages 41-65]
Ali Rezaee Isfahani, Mohammad
Critical study of the book “HOSN AL-EIJAAZ FI EBTAALEL EAJAAZ [Volume 15, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 67-86]
Ali Rezaee Isfahani, Mohammad
A Methodological Study of “The Contemporary Interpretation of the Holy Quran” [“The Study Quran”] [Volume 16, Issue 30, 2021, Pages 9-30]
Ali Rezaei Esfahani, Mohammad
Tools for the Scholarly Study of the Qur’an Andrew Rippin [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2017, Pages 9-18]
Ali Rezaei Esfahani, Mohammad
The Shii Scholars’ Defense of the Quran Against the Suspicion of Plagiarism [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2017, Pages 65-84]
Ali Rezaei Esfahani, Muhammad
The pre-concepts of orientalists on contradiction between the Quran and science [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2013, Pages 33-54]
Ali Rezaei Isfahani, M.
The theoretical foundations of Orientalists on alleged contradictions in the Quran [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2009, Pages 105-136]
Ali Rezaei Isfahani, Muhammad
A Study on Orientalists' Standpoint on Impressionability of the holy Qur’an from Jewish and Christian Culture [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2010, Pages 175-194]
Ali Rezaie Isfahani, M.
Introduction and review of the “Quran: an encyclopaedia” of Oliver Leman [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2010, Pages 29-70]
Ali Rezai Esfahani, Mohammad
Examination of the View of Asma Afsaruddin about ‘Shafa'a’ in The Qur'an: An Encyclopedia by Oliver Leaman [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2016, Pages 21-39]
Alizadeh Mousavi, Seyed Hamed
Critical analysis of William Montgomery Watt's view on the mythological reading of the Qur'an [(Articles in Press)]
Alviri, Mohsen
Criticism of the View of the Formation of the Quran Based on Syriac Texts [Volume 17, Issue 32, 2022, Pages 151-176]
Amini, Mohammad
Amini, Nowruz
A critique of John Wensbrough's theory based on the formulation of the Qur'an in the third century [Volume 15, Issue 29, 2021, Pages 119-154]
Amini Tehrani, Muhammad
A Critique of the Interpretation of the Perfection [Ikma-e-Din] Verse from “The Study Quran” [Volume 16, Issue 30, 2021, Pages 139-162]
Amini Tehrani, Muhammad
The Role of Sciences and Techniques of Recitations (Qira’at) in Responding to the Orientalists’ Doubts [Volume 16, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 275-302]
Amiri Dumari, Nafise
Amiri Dumari, Nafise
A Critical Analysis of James Bellamy’s Viewpoint Regarding the Qira’t of the Word “Ummah [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 181-200]
Amular, Vahid
Critique of Heribert Busse’s Research concerning Jonah [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2015, Pages 47-62]
Anjoynejad, Fatimeh Sadat
Analysis and Criticism of Gabriel Sawma's views in the Book “The Quran: Misinterpreted Misrtranslated and Misread, The Aramaic Language of The Quran” [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 107-130]
Aqil Nasimi, Sayyed
The analysis of Noldeke standpoint on collection of the Quran [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2010, Pages 71-102]
Asadi, Hajar
Evaluation of Goldziher’s Views About the Influence of the Sciences of Theology, Philosophy and Mysticism on the Modeling of the Prophet’s (s) Personality [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2017, Pages 77-104]
Asadi, Hajar
An Assessment of Goldziher’s Views on the Infallibility of the Noble Prophet (s) [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2017, Pages 85-102]
Asadollahi, A’zam
Criticism of Amina Wadud’s views on the interpretation of hijab verses (chastity and hijab avoidance) [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 9-38]
Asani, Ali
An Analysis of Pertaining to the Definition of the Prophetic Family [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2010, Pages 11-32]
Ashraf, Sheida
A Critical Study of the Entry of Adam (A.S.) in the Encyclopedia of Islam [Volume 16, Issue 30, 2021, Pages 269-294]
Ashraf Shouja, Muhammad
The subject of the article: A critical view on oreintalist's approach on revelation [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2009, Pages 121-147]
Askari, Mohammad
An Examining the Foundations of Orientalist Quranic Studies and Their Impact on Islamic and Quranic Studies in Islamic Societies (with Emphasis on the Subcontinent - Pakistan) [Volume 19, Issue 36, 2024, Pages 133-168]
Ayazi, Mohammad Ali
An assessment of the article ((People of the house)) in the encyclopedia of Quran [Volume 3, Issue 4, 2008, Pages 35-64]
Baqer Farzi, Mohammad
Critique of Orientalist Doubts Regarding Grammatical and Syntactical Issues in the Quran [Volume 18, Issue 34, 2023, Pages 257-292]
Bar Asher, Marim
Analysis of the basis and methods of Shia exegesis [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2009, Pages 9-38]
Bashazadeh, Farzane
A criticism of the Orientalists’ claim regarding contradiction between the polygamy verses in the Qur’an [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2014, Pages 69-90]
Basirat, Mohammad yasin
Critique of Orientalist Analysis, about Twelver Shi’a Beliefs [Volume 15, Issue 29, 2021, Pages 155-174]
Beheshti Mehr, Ahmad
Shii Theologians and the Development of Theology in Leiden’s Encyclopedia of the Quran [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2017, Pages 9-32]
Beirami, Ruqaiya
An examination of the article “Qur’anic translations” by Bubasteen [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2014, Pages 21-48]
Beirami, Ruqayya
A review of entry 'translation of the Quran' from the Oliver Leaman Encyclopedia of the Quran [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2013, Pages 73-97]
Berenjkar, Reza
Christian theologians and the miracles of the Prophet Muhammad [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2012, Pages 45-59]
Beyrami, Roqayyeh
Examination of the Views of Oliver Leaman in ‘Sunna and its Role in Interpretation [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2016, Pages 41-62]
Bostakchi, Afshan
Criticism of Margot Badran’s View on Polygamy [Volume 17, Issue 32, 2022, Pages 229-254]
Bouazar, Haitham
Review of the article "Quran and Science" from Oliver Lyman's encyclopedia [Volume 15, Issue 29, 2021, Pages 233-254]
Chaji, Javad
An Investigating the Translation Method of the Word “Ba’dh” (“Some”) and Its Compositions in Some English Translations of the Quran [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 227-250]
Danishgar, Majid
The Holy Quran from the perspective of western intellectuals [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2009, Pages 61-71]
Dashti, Mohammad Javad
A Critical Review of Orientalists’ Views on the Uprising of Ashura Emphasizing the Perspectives of the Supreme Leader (May Allah Prolong His Life) [Volume 18, Issue 35, 2024, Pages 305-336]
Davoodi Limoni, Saeed
Criticism of Amina Wadud’s views on the interpretation of hijab verses (chastity and hijab avoidance) [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 9-38]
Dawlatabadi, Ma’sumeh
Orientalist View on the Unschooled Prophet (s) [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2010, Pages 45-76]
Demircan And Rifat Atay, Adnan
Tafsir in early Islam [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2010, Pages 191-216]
Doroshti, Mehdi
A Criticism of the Prophet’s Wives Entry from the EQ Leiden Encyclopedia of the Quran [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 39-60]
Ebrahimi, Esmael
Criticism of the Views of Orientalists concerning Influence of Contemporary Poetry upon the Quran [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2016, Pages 101-128]
Ebrahimi, Leila
A Criticism of the Prophet’s Wives Entry from the EQ Leiden Encyclopedia of the Quran [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 39-60]
Elahi, Abbas
Critique of Firestone’s Article “Abraham” (A.S.) [Volume 15, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 165-186]
Elahi, Abbas
A Critical Analysis of the Article on the Personality of the Holy Prophet (P) in the Leiden Quran Encyclopedia [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 83-106]
Emami, Muhammad
Orientalists’ approach to abrogation in the Qur’an [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2014, Pages 37-52]
Eskandarlo, M.Javad
Pathology of exegesis and spiritual cultivation exegesises Assessment of the alteration of holy Quran In the Quran encyclopedia of Liden [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2009, Pages 39-48]
Eskanderlo, Mohammad Javad
An Examining Orientalists’ Doubts Regarding the Competence of Religion Regarding the Theorization in Governance [Volume 19, Issue 36, 2024, Pages 9-36]
Eslami Nasab, Hamza Ali
A Critical Examination of the Influence of Orientalists’ Historical Methods on Muhammad Shahrur [Volume 18, Issue 34, 2023, Pages 293-316]
Esmi, Samad
Examination of the Entry “Gospel” in Leiden’s Encyclopaedia of the Quran [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2015, Pages 9-30]
Etesami, Batul Sadat
A Critique of the Literary Approach of Mohammed Arkoun in the Interpretation of the Quran [Volume 13, Issue 24, 2018, Pages 77-92]
Etesami, Sayyed Mahdi
Dr. Aboo-zaid Being Affected by the Orientalists [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2007, Pages 157-192]
Ettehad, Farnaz
Review of the Article “Yaqub” (A.S) in the Leiden Quran Encyclopedia [Volume 17, Issue 32, 2022, Pages 255-286]
Ettehad, Farnaz
A Critical Examination of the Article “Yusuf” in the Encyclopedia of Islam [Volume 18, Issue 34, 2023, Pages 225-256]
Ettehad, Seyyede Farnaz
A Critical Analysis of the Structure and Content of the Entry “Raj’a” in the Encyclopaedia of Islam [Volume 19, Issue 36, 2024, Pages 169-192]
Faker Meybodi, Mohammad
Law and the Quran [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2008, Pages 153-190]
Fakhir Maibudi, Muhammad
Analysis of the article entitled “Irth” (Inheritance) in the encyclopaedia of Islam Leiden [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2012, Pages 85-116]
Fakhir Maibudi, Muhammad
A Critical Study of Western Excuses Using Newly Discovered Versions of the Quran [Volume 16, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 182-216]
Falahzadeh, Seyyed Hossein
Criticism of the View of the Formation of the Quran Based on Syriac Texts [Volume 17, Issue 32, 2022, Pages 151-176]
Farahani, Fakhirah
Study of Goldziher's views on different readings of the Quran [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2013, Pages 11-32]
Farasaty, Amirhosein
Criticism and analysis of the entry "Aisha" in the Leiden Qur'an encyclopedia [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2019, Pages 105-124]
Farasaty, Amirhosein
Fardwan Khurasani, Munira
Mahdaviyat from the view point of Eastern experts and Western religious scholars [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2015, Pages 163-190]
Faryadres, Mohsen
Examination of the Views of Orientalists concerning the Prophet of Islam as Origin of the Quran [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2016, Pages 85-100]
Farzandwahy, Jamal
Examination of the Views of Orientalists concerning the Prophet of Islam as Origin of the Quran [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2016, Pages 85-100]
Farzandwahy, Jamal
The Eternal Nature of the Quran from the Perspective of Orientalists [Volume 13, Issue 24, 2018, Pages 9-28]
Farzandwahy, Jamal
A Critique of the Article on ‘Joseph’ in the Encyclopedia Judaica [Volume 14, Issue 26, 2019, Pages 41-62]
Farzi, Mohammad Bagher
Ascension of the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) from the perspective of Orientalists [(Articles in Press)]
Fatemeh :, Moradi
Review of the article of Ali Ibn Abi Talib (AS) from Leiden Encyclopedia of the Quran
Ali Ghanei: [Volume 15, Issue 29, 2021, Pages 175-202]
Fattahizadeh, Fathiyah
An examination of Goldziher's viewpoints toward the Quranic sciences [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2015, Pages 89-106]
Fattahizadeh, Fathiyah
An examination of Rainer Brunner's view of distortion from the point of view of the two sect (Shiites and Sunnis) [Volume 15, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 127-142]
Fattahizadeh, Fathiyye
An Assessment of Goldziher’s Views on the Infallibility of the Noble Prophet (s) [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2017, Pages 85-102]
Frederick Schaefer, Stephen
The German translations of the Noble Quran [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2015, Pages 41-65]
Ghaffari, Najmeh
An Examining of Women’s Doubts Concerning the Quran in the Encyclopedia of Oliver Leaman [Volume 18, Issue 34, 2023, Pages 117-138]
Ghamarzadeh, Muhsen
Ghanei, Ali :
Review of the article of Ali Ibn Abi Talib (AS) from Leiden Encyclopedia of the Quran
Ali Ghanei: [Volume 15, Issue 29, 2021, Pages 175-202]
Ghanei, Ali :
Critique and Review of the Entry “Mawla and Wala” in the Encyclopaedia of the Quran Leiden [Volume 19, Issue 36, 2024, Pages 293-316]
Ghanei Ardakanei, Ali
A review on Orientalists’ doubts on correlation of the Quranic verses [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2012, Pages 57-76]
Gharaee Soltan Abadi, Ahmad
Orientalists and the problem of corruption [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2015, Pages 107-136]
Gharamaleki, Ali Karimpour
Critique of Orientalist Analysis, about Twelver Shi’a Beliefs [Volume 15, Issue 29, 2021, Pages 155-174]
Ghasemnejad, Zahra
Intertextuality and Understanding the Quran from Reynolds' Perspective [(Articles in Press)]
Gholami, Abdollah
Defending the Quran against the Use of ‘Muhammadism’ [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2016, Pages 37-60]
Gholami, Abdullah
Christian theologians and the miracles of the Prophet Muhammad [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2012, Pages 61-84]
Ghulami, Abdullah
Converted Orientalists [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2014, Pages 147-177]
Gulami, Abdullah
Mahdaviyat from the view point of Eastern experts and Western religious scholars [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2015, Pages 163-190]
Habibollah, Mehdi
An Assessment of the Sources of the Article "Hajjah al-Wida’ [Farewell Hajj]" in Leiden Encyclopedia of Qur’an [Volume 15, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 143-164]
Habibollah, Mehdi
Critique of the Influential Perspective of Judaism and Christianity on Islam, Harald Suerman [Volume 15, Issue 29, 2021, Pages 95-118]
Haidari, Sahar
A Critical Study of Goldziher's opinions on the Shiite Exegetical Style [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2013, Pages 33-49]
Hajavi, Ali
A review of W. Montgomery Watt’s theory on the story of the cranes or satanic verses [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2012, Pages 93-112]
Hajibi, Gholamreza
Criticism and evaluation of the role of orientalists in the revival of Quranic manuscripts and manuscript studies [(Articles in Press)]
Hakimian, Masoud
The Apparent and Hidden in Orientalist Perspectives on Mahdism [Volume 13, Issue 24, 2018, Pages 49-60]
Hakimian, Mohammad Mehdi
The Apparent and Hidden in Orientalist Perspectives on Mahdism [Volume 13, Issue 24, 2018, Pages 49-60]
Halemi Juludar, Habibullah
Analysis of the views of orientalists concerning the source of the Qur’an [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2012, Pages 11-30]
Halimov, Muhammadullah
The theoretical foundations of Orientalists on alleged contradictions in the Quran [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2009, Pages 105-136]
Halimy, Zahra
An examination of Goldziher's viewpoints toward the Quranic sciences [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2015, Pages 89-106]
Hamedi, Sayyed Monsef Hamedi
Dr. Aboo-zaid Being Affected by the Orientalists [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2007, Pages 157-192]
Hamtian, Mahdi
Pathology of the Views of Uri Rubin concerning Revelation [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2016, Pages 63-84]
Haqpanah, Reza
A review of orientalists’ approaches on Meccan and Medinan chapters and verses [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2012, Pages 77-92]
Haqqani, Sakina
Pathology of exegesis and spiritual cultivation exegesises Assessment of the alteration of holy Quran In the Quran encyclopedia of Liden [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2009, Pages 39-48]
Ha’eri, Shahla
An Analysis of Temporary Marriage in the Encyclopedia of the Qur’an Leiden [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2010, Pages 73-96]
Hasannia, Ali
Criticism of Margot Badran’s View on Polygamy [Volume 17, Issue 32, 2022, Pages 229-254]
Hasan Rezai Haftadur,
Examination of the Entry “Psalms” in the Encyclopaedia of the Quran [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2016, Pages 111-133]
Hasan Zamani, Mohammad
A review on Orientalists’ doubts on correlation of the Quranic verses [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2012, Pages 57-76]
Hasan Zamani, Mohammad
The Examination of Uri Rubin’s view toward the scope of the Holy Mohammad's (s) prophetic mission [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2015, Pages 67-87]
Hasan Zamani, Muhammad
Houris [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2009, Pages 163-180]
Hasan Zamani, Muhammad
Evaluation of the Qur’anic articles of the Americana encyclopedia [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2015, Pages 9-30]
Hasan Zamani, Muhammad
Review and Critique of the Software ‘Quran and Orientalists’ [Volume 14, Issue 26, 2019, Pages 221-238]
Hasan Zamani, Muhammad
Hasan Zamani, Muhammad
Reading the Intentions of Orientalists Based on Eric Hersh’s Intentionalism [Volume 17, Issue 32, 2022, Pages 49-70]
Hasan Zamani, Muhammad
A Critical Examination of the Influence of Orientalists’ Historical Methods on Muhammad Shahrur [Volume 18, Issue 34, 2023, Pages 293-316]
Hasan Zamani, Muhammad
The Strengths and Weaknesses of the Book “The Study Quran” (Volume One) [Volume 19, Issue 36, 2024, Pages 317-350]
HasanZamani, Muhammad
Converted Orientalists [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2014, Pages 147-177]
Hassan Hussaini, Sayyed
A review on Nöldeke’s accounts on orthography and recitation of Quran [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2009, Pages 31-60]
Hassan Zamani, Mohammad
Examination of the Infallibility of Prophet Noah according to the Leiden Encyclopedia of the Quran [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2016, Pages 9-20]
Hassan Zamani, Mohammad
The Position of Shia Scholars in the Development of [Religious] Sciences According to Oliver Leaman’s Encyclopedia of the Quran [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2017, Pages 33-49]
Hassan Zamani, Muhammad
A review on orientalists’ assumption of the Quranic historical propositions as myth [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2010, Pages 133-162]
Hayati, samira
Critical Examination of Orientalist Views concerning the Quranic Approach to Story-Telling [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2015, Pages 109-130]
Hayati, Samira
Orientalists and the art of Quran’s storytelling [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2017, Pages 47-76]
Heidarifar, Majid
Christian theologians and the miracles of the Prophet Muhammad [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2012, Pages 61-84]
Heidarifar, Majid
Orientalist Methods of Tradition Research [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2010, Pages 77-96]
Hemmati, Mohammad Ali
Analysis and Criticism of Gabriel Sawma's views in the Book “The Quran: Misinterpreted Misrtranslated and Misread, The Aramaic Language of The Quran” [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 107-130]
Hemmatian, Mahdi
The Examination of Uri Rubin’s view toward the scope of the Holy Mohammad's (s) prophetic mission [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2015, Pages 67-87]
Hemmatian, Mahdi
A Critique of Uri Rubin’s View on the Names and Titles of the Prophet (s) [Volume 14, Issue 26, 2019, Pages 9-22]
Himmati Gulian, Abdullah
The first importance of the Christian west to Quranology [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2013, Pages 99-117]
Hosein Modabber, Mohammad
Adoption of the Quran from Torah [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2010, Pages 127-142]
Hosseinipour, Sayyed Muhammad
A Critical Analysis of Andrew Repin's Article “Camel or Rope” [Volume 15, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 47-66]
Hosseinitabar, Seyyed Javad
A Critique of Democracy from the Perspective of Bernard Lewis, Based on the Views of Imam Khamenei [Volume 18, Issue 35, 2024, Pages 99-126]
Hosseinizadeh, Seyyed Abd alRosoul
A Critical Reading of Noldeke’s Criteria for the Incongruity of Quranic Verses [Volume 19, Issue 36, 2024, Pages 239-266]
Hossein Mohammadi, Mohammad
Views of the Quran and Orientalists concerning the Wives of Prophet Muammad (s) [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2016, Pages 61-90]
Hossein Shafiei Darabi, Syed
A Critique of Gilliot's View on the Genesis of the Qur’an [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2017, Pages 105-114]
Husayni, Radiyah
An Analysis of Destiny in the Encyclopedia of the Qur’an, Leiden Sabayon Schtemiteth [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2010, Pages 143-162]
Hussaini, Sarwar
Houris [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2009, Pages 163-180]
Hussein Natiqi, Ghulam
A review on orientalists’ assumption of the Quranic historical propositions as myth [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2010, Pages 133-162]
Hussein Shourcha, Abdul
Orientalists and the art of Quran’s storytelling [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2017, Pages 47-76]
Ikhwan Muqaddam, Zohra
A criticism of the Orientalists’ claim regarding contradiction between the polygamy verses in the Qur’an [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2014, Pages 69-90]
Iqbal, Muzaffar
The academic studies of orientalists on Quran [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2010, Pages 11-28]
Iqbal, Muzaffar
Orientalism and the “Encyclopedia of the Quran” Leiden [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2009, Pages 11-30]
Isaeluf, Bakhtiyar
Objectives of Orientalists in Translation of the Qur’an [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2010, Pages 59-72]
Isa Mostarhami, Sayyed
A review of Orientalists’ opinion on contradiction of the Quran with natural sciences [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2012, Pages 31-56]
Isa Mustarhami, Sayyed
A descriptive-analytic and thematic introduction of the Qur’ānic theses on Orientalism [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2013, Pages 143-181]
Isa Mustarhami, Sayyed
The myth of Gharaniq and the orientalists’ exploitations [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2010, Pages 163-190]
Iskandarloo, Mohammad Javad
Critique of Orientalists' theory of the Qur’an’s impressionability from the culture of the time [Volume 15, Issue 29, 2021, Pages 65-92]
Iskandarlou, Mohammad Javad
Interpretation of Quran in the Modern Era [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2007, Pages 91-116]
Iskandarlou, Mohammad Javad
A Critisim and Analysis of Using the Word "book" in Quran's Verses in Orientalist's View [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2007, Pages 137-156]
Iskandarlou, Mohammad Javad
Form and Structure of the Quran [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2008, Pages 11-32]
Iskandarlou, Mohammad Jawad
Iskandar Lou, Mohammad Javad
Abdul Karim Soroush influenced by Orientalists [Volume 3, Issue 4, 2008, Pages 145-158]
Ismi Qiyabash, Samad
Analysis of the article ‘Usury’ in the Leiden Encyclopedia of Quran [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2015, Pages 89-112]
Jafartayari Dehaqani, Mostafa
A Critique of Democracy from the Perspective of Bernard Lewis, Based on the Views of Imam Khamenei [Volume 18, Issue 35, 2024, Pages 99-126]
Jalali Kanduri, Suhaila
Critical analysis of Avner Giladi perspective on the "Guardianship" in the Leiden Qur’anic Encyclopedia [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2015, Pages 113-134]
Jalali-Kondori, Soheila
The survey of Orientalist Views concerning Homosexuality in the Quran [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2015, Pages 63-86]
Jalali-Kondori, Soheila
Translation and Analysis of the Entry on ‘Hijra’ in the Leiden’s Encyclopedia of the Quran [Volume 14, Issue 26, 2019, Pages 139-156]
Jamali, Hamid
An examination of the article “The opinions of European writers the Qur’an” [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2014, Pages 91-110]
Jamshidi, Nezam
A Critique of the Article on ‘Joseph’ in the Encyclopedia Judaica [Volume 14, Issue 26, 2019, Pages 41-62]
Jarrar, Maher
Houris [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2009, Pages 163-180]
Javad Eskandalo, Mohammad
An Analysis of the Orientalist View on the Seven Letters [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2010, Pages 149-170]
Javad Eskandalo, Mohammad
Women and the Quran [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2009, Pages 96-120]
Javad Eskandarloo, Mohammad
A Critical Study of Goldziher's opinions on the Shiite Exegetical Style [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2013, Pages 33-49]
Javad Eskandarloo, Muhammad
Analysis of the article ‘Usury’ in the Leiden Encyclopedia of Quran [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2015, Pages 89-112]
Javad Eskandarloo, Muhammad
Criticism of the Views of Orientalists concerning Influence of Contemporary Poetry upon the Quran [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2016, Pages 101-128]
Javad Eskandarloo, Muhammad
Shia Scholars and the History of the Quran in the View of Orientalists [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2017, Pages 51-64]
Javad Eskandarloo, Muhammad
The Role of the Islamic Revolution in the Development of Research on Orientalism [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2019, Pages 13-32]
Javad Eskandarloo, Muhammad
Orientalists and the Claim of Literary Plagiarism in the Quran [Volume 14, Issue 26, 2019, Pages 83-102]
Javad Eskandarloo, Muhammad
Javad Eskandarloo, Muhammad
A Study of the Most Important Foundations of Qur'anic Research Orientalists (with Emphasis on American Qur'anic Scholars) [Volume 15, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 9-28]
Javad Eskandarloo, Muhammad
A Pathology of the First Volume of the Book “The Contemporary Interpretation of the Holy Quran” [= “The Study Quran”] and Its Comparison with other Tafasir [Volume 16, Issue 30, 2021, Pages 61-81]
Javad Eskandarloo, Muhammad
Clarification of the Orientalists’Viewpoint “on the Discontinuity of the Verses of the Quran” and Its Criticism [Volume 17, Issue 32, 2022, Pages 9-24]
Javad Eskandarlou, Muhammad
Review of Orientalists' view on Sira and historiography [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2013, Pages 55-65]
Javad Iskandarloo, Muhammad
A criticism of some Orientalists’ theory of the separation of the Qur’an and the science [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2014, Pages 49-68]
Javad Najafi, Muhammad
A review of “religious pluralism” in Leiden Encyclopedia of the Quran [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2013, Pages 11-31]
Jawad Danyali, Muhammad
Christian theologians and the miracles of the Prophet Muhammad [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2012, Pages 45-59]
JawadEskandarloo, Muhammad
The Critical Review of Robson’s article "criticism of Hadith” in the Encyclopedia of Islam [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2014, Pages 67-84]
Jawad Eskandarlou, M.
A review on Nöldeke’s accounts on orthography and recitation of Quran [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2009, Pages 31-60]
Jawad Eskandarlou, Muhammad
A Critical Study on Article of "Cosmology" from Leiden Encyclopedia [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2010, Pages 101-126]
J Eskandarlou, M.
Criticism and Analysis of Commentary on Surah Kahf Verse 9 (titled Al-Ragim wa Al-Ragud) [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2010, Pages 97-126]
Kabir, Abul Kasem Mohammed Anwarul
A Critique of Democracy from the Perspective of Bernard Lewis, Based on the Views of Imam Khamenei [Volume 18, Issue 35, 2024, Pages 99-126]
Kalhori, Somayye
The Eternal Nature of the Quran from the Perspective of Orientalists [Volume 13, Issue 24, 2018, Pages 9-28]
Kamal Kashik Nawis Razavi, Syed
Tools for the Scholarly Study of the Qur’an Andrew Rippin [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2017, Pages 9-18]
Karimi, Mahmoud
Criticism and analysis of the entry "Aisha" in the Leiden Qur'an encyclopedia [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2019, Pages 105-124]
Karimi, Mahmoud
Karimi, Mahmoud
An Examining the Foundations of Orientalist Quranic Studies and Their Impact on Islamic and Quranic Studies in Islamic Societies (with Emphasis on the Subcontinent - Pakistan) [Volume 19, Issue 36, 2024, Pages 133-168]
Karimi Bandadokuki, mahmod
An Analysis of Angelika Neuwirth’s View on the Structure of the Quran [Volume 17, Issue 32, 2022, Pages 177-208]
Kariminia, Mourteza
Karimpoor Qaramaleky, Ali
The study of Denial of verbal distortion of the Bible position in
“The contemporary interpretation of the Holly Quran [Volume 16, Issue 30, 2021, Pages 182-206]
Kavand, Alireza
Critique of Richard Bell’s Evidences and Documents on the Distortion of the Quran with Emphasis on the Interpretations of the Two Major Sects of Islam [Volume 16, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 243-274]
Kazemi, Shahab
A Critical Study of Goldziher's opinions on the Shiite Exegetical Style [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2013, Pages 33-49]
Kazem Shaker, Mohammad
Examination of the Entry “Gospel” in Leiden’s Encyclopaedia of the Quran [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2015, Pages 9-30]
Kazem Shaker, Mohammad
Kazim Shakir, Muhammad
Analytical review of phenomenological study of Watt from the Qur’anic revelation and prophethood of the Prophet Muhammad [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2014, Pages 9-35]
Khalili Ashtiyani, Somayyeh
Critique of Claude Gilliot’s View on Teachers of the Prophet of Islam [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2015, Pages 31-45]
Khalilizadeh, Morteza
A Comparative Review of the Meanings of Disjointed Letters in the Perspectives of Orientalists and Exegetes of Two Major Schools (Shia and Sunni), Emphasizing the Views of His Eminence, The Supreme Leader [Volume 18, Issue 35, 2024, Pages 127-154]
Khanbaba, Mojzhgan
Orientalists and the Claim of Literary Plagiarism in the Quran [Volume 14, Issue 26, 2019, Pages 83-102]
Khobbin khoshnazar, Seyed karim
Criticism and analysis of the ancient view on the role and function of celestial beings in existence from the perspective of the Holy Quran. [(Articles in Press)]
Khoda Parast, Zahra
Critical Appraisal of the Article of Torah in Leiden Encyclopedia of Qur’an [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2010, Pages 145-174]
Khoran, Mahmoud
Assessment of orientalists claims about alteration of Quran [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2009, Pages 49-64]
Khub bin Khoshnazar, Karim
A Critique and Analysis of the Trinitarian Thought of the French Scholar Denise Masson with Emphasis on Quranic Teachings [Volume 19, Issue 36, 2024, Pages 61-88]
Kilia, Rouhollah
An assessment of the article ((People of the house)) in the encyclopedia of Quran [Volume 3, Issue 4, 2008, Pages 35-64]
Maaref, Majid
STUDY OF BLACHERE'S VIEW OF QUR'ANIC CONPILATION [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2007, Pages 99-122]
Maaref, Majid
An Analysis of Pertaining to the Definition of the Prophetic Family [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2010, Pages 11-32]
Maaref, Mohammad Hadi
Powerful and weak points of orientalist's studies (A suggestion in the presence of Ayatollah ma'arifat) [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2007, Pages 9-26]
Maarif, Majid
Study of Goldziher's views on different readings of the Quran [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2013, Pages 11-32]
Mahdavi, Mohammad
The role of Tabari's and Baghoi's commentaries in the formation of the suspicion of the Qur'an's indebtedness to Ahadin [(Articles in Press)]
Mahdavi Azad Bani, Ramdhan
Analysis of the views of orientalists concerning the source of the Qur’an [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2012, Pages 11-30]
Mahdi Azizullahi, Muhammad
A review of apostasy article in the Leiden Encyclopedia of the Quran [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2012, Pages 113-130]
Mahdi Etisami, Sayyed
Introduction and review of the “Quran: an encyclopaedia” of Oliver Leman [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2010, Pages 29-70]
Mahdi Karimi Niya, Muhammad
An Analysis of Temporary Marriage in the Encyclopedia of the Qur’an Leiden [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2010, Pages 73-96]
Mahdi Mas‘udi, Mohammad
Examination of the entry “Hirz” in the Encyclopaedia of the Quran [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2016, Pages 135-146]
Mahmoudi, Akbar
Examination of the “Quran” entry in the Encyclopedia of Islam [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2015, Pages 9-40]
Mahmoudi, Akbar
The Role of Forty Years of the Islamic Revolution in the Development of Orientalism Studies [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2019, Pages 33-62]
Mamoorzadeh, Fariha
Orientalists' misuse of Sunni sources (a case study of the story of Varaqa bin Noufal in the encyclopedia of Islam [(Articles in Press)]
Mamorzadeh, Farihe
A Review of the Article “Buhira” in the Encyclopedia of Islam [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2019, Pages 125-146]
Mansouri, Mohammad hadi
An Examining of Women’s Doubts Concerning the Quran in the Encyclopedia of Oliver Leaman [Volume 18, Issue 34, 2023, Pages 117-138]
Ma’aref, Majid
Critique of Claude Gilliot’s View on Teachers of the Prophet of Islam [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2015, Pages 31-45]
Ma’aref, Majid
A Critical Analysis of the Correction of the Term “Utruk” in Surah Ad-Dukhan by James Bellamy [Volume 18, Issue 35, 2024, Pages 203-232]
Ma’arif, Majid
Analysis of Article: Muhammad (s) [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2010, Pages 11-44]
Masuma Fatimi, Sayyedah
A survey on Michael Sells' research on ascension [night journey] [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2013, Pages 87-104]
Mazraei, Rasol
A Critical Analysis of Alexander D. Knysh’s View on the Exegetical Methods of Ghazali and Ibn Arabi [Volume 19, Issue 36, 2024, Pages 37-60]
Miqdad Amiri, Muhammad
Criticism and Analysis of Commentary on Surah Kahf Verse 9 (titled Al-Ragim wa Al-Ragud) [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2010, Pages 97-126]
Mir Khalili, Seyed Ahmad
Mirmoradi, Seyyed Samaneh
Critical Analysis of the Article “Quranic Doublets” [Volume 17, Issue 32, 2022, Pages 119-150]
Mirza Muhammad, Rafi
The Position of Shia Scholars in the Development of [Religious] Sciences According to Oliver Leaman’s Encyclopedia of the Quran [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2017, Pages 33-49]
M. Musavi Moqaddam, Sayyed
A review of W. Montgomery Watt’s theory on the story of the cranes or satanic verses [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2012, Pages 93-112]
M.Musavi Muqaddam, Sayyed
Mahdi Rustam Nijad [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2009, Pages 73-104]
Moaddab, Sayyed Reza
Inimitability [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2008, Pages 33-66]
Moaddab, Sayyed Reza
Shiia [Volume 3, Issue 4, 2008, Pages 11-34]
Mobini, Mohammad Ali
An Analyzing Rosalind Gwynne’s View on the Structure of Covenant in the Quran [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 157-180]
Mofid Hoseini Kohsari, Sayyed
Critical Examination of Orientalist Views concerning the Quranic Approach to Story-Telling [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2015, Pages 109-130]
Moghaddasi, Mohammad Bashir
A Critique of Orientalists’ Views on Predestination in the Quran [Volume 14, Issue 26, 2019, Pages 117-138]
Mohammadi, Mohammad Hoseyn
StUDY OF NOLDKE'S VIEWS ON QUR'ANIC COLLECTION [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2007, Pages 163-180]
Mohammadi, Mohammad Hoseyn
The collection of the Quran [Volume 3, Issue 4, 2008, Pages 159-190]
Mohammadi, Mohammad Hossein
An Investigating the Accusation Against the Prophet (P) of Marrying to Married Woman (Muhsinah) Based on the Verses of Surah Ahzab [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 61-82]
Mohammadi, Mohammad Hossein
An In-Depth Analysis of Contemporary Orientalist Quranic Studies, with a Focus on the United States [Volume 18, Issue 34, 2023, Pages 9-38]
Mohammadi, Mohammad Hussein
Critique of the article Myths and Stories in the Quran EQ [Volume 15, Issue 29, 2021, Pages 39-64]
Mohammad Mousavi Moghaddam, Sayed
Analysis of the basis and methods of Shia exegesis [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2009, Pages 9-38]
Mohammad Mousavi Moqaddam, Seyed
Examination of the Entry “Psalms” in the Encyclopaedia of the Quran [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2016, Pages 111-133]
Mohammadyari, Maryam
Defending the Quran against the Use of ‘Muhammadism’ [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2016, Pages 37-60]
Mohammadyari, Maryam
The Eternal Nature of the Quran from the Perspective of Orientalists [Volume 13, Issue 24, 2018, Pages 9-28]
Mohasis, Mardhiya
Critical analysis of Avner Giladi perspective on the "Guardianship" in the Leiden Qur’anic Encyclopedia [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2015, Pages 113-134]
Mohsen, Khoshfar
Investigation of "Numbers" article in Oliver Lyman's Encyclopedia of the Quran [Volume 15, Issue 29, 2021, Pages 255-270]
Mohsen, Khoshfar
Critical Analysis of the Allegations of Violence against the Prophet Muhammad (P) from the Perspective of Orientalists [Volume 18, Issue 34, 2023, Pages 139-170]
Mohseni Meri, Qhasem
An Approach to Claiming the Quotation of the Quranic Narration from Ancient Texts Concerning Noah’s Flood [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 251-276]
Mostarhami, Seyyed Esa
A Critical Analysis of the Scientific Foundations in Positive Orientalists’ Thought [Volume 18, Issue 34, 2023, Pages 317-342]
Mostarhami, Seyyed Isa
Critique of Arthur Jeffrey’s Methodology in Analyzing the Words Involved in the Quran [Volume 16, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 155-181]
Motaqizadah, Isa
Assessment of orientalists claims about alteration of Quran [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2009, Pages 49-64]
Mottagizade, Isa
A Study on Some Orientalists' Standpoint about Sufficiency of The holy Qur’an and Negation of Hadiths [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2010, Pages 29-64]
Mousavi, Sayyedeh Mona
An Analyzing Rosalind Gwynne’s View on the Structure of Covenant in the Quran [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 157-180]
Mousavi Moghaddam, Sayyed Mohammad
Shiia [Volume 3, Issue 4, 2008, Pages 11-34]
Muhammad-Bello, AbdulQadir
Muhammadi, Babullah
Analysis of the compilation of the Qur’an by the Prophet and Imam ‘Ali from the viewpoint of orientalists and sunnites [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2012, Pages 31-44]
Muhammadi, Javad
A review of “religious pluralism” in Leiden Encyclopedia of the Quran [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2013, Pages 11-31]
Muhammad Musavi Muqaddam, Sayed
Analytical review of phenomenological study of Watt from the Qur’anic revelation and prophethood of the Prophet Muhammad [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2014, Pages 9-35]
Muhammad Musavi Muqaddam, Sayyed
A study of W. Montgomery Watt's view on revelation [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2013, Pages 105-134]
Muhammad Musavi Muqaddam, Seyyed
The Orientalists’ Resources regarding the Biography of the Prophet (PBUH) [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2014, Pages 131-149]
Muhammad Musavi Muqaddam, Syeed
Critical analysis of article entitled Sawm (fasting) from Encyclopedia of Islam [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2012, Pages 117-135]
Muhammady, Javad
Evaluation of the researches of Jane Dammen McAuliffe [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2015, Pages 31-52]
Muhmmad Baqir Hujjati, S.
The analysis of Noldeke standpoint on collection of the Quran [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2010, Pages 71-102]
Murad Khani, Ahmad
A Review on Article of Jihad [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2010, Pages 65-100]
Muslimifar, Asadullah
A Critique of the Interpretation of the Perfection [Ikma-e-Din] Verse from “The Study Quran” [Volume 16, Issue 30, 2021, Pages 139-162]
Mutaqi Zadeh, Eisa
Analysis of the compilation of the Qur’an by the Prophet and Imam ‘Ali from the viewpoint of orientalists and sunnites [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2012, Pages 31-44]
Naqdi Nasab, Maryam
Shia Scholars and the History of the Quran in the View of Orientalists [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2017, Pages 51-64]
Naqib, Seyyed Muhammad
A Critique of Supposing Quran as Letters to Holy Prophet [Volume 16, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 128-154]
Nasim Abbas Kazimi, Sayed
Converted Orientalists [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2014, Pages 147-177]
Nasiri, Ali
Adoption of the Quran from Torah [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2010, Pages 127-142]
Nasiri, Ali
Tradition and Quran [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2008, Pages 103-152]
Nasrullahi, Murtiza
The Translation and Critique of Article "Qur’an and Science” in the: Qur'an; An Encyclopedia by Oliver Leaman [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2010, Pages 127-144]
Nasser Moaddeli, Fatemeh
A Critical Analysis of the Correction of the Term “Utruk” in Surah Ad-Dukhan by James Bellamy [Volume 18, Issue 35, 2024, Pages 203-232]
Nazemi, Maitham
A review of the article 'archaeology and the Quran' in Leiden Encyclopedia of the Quran [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2013, Pages 119-142]
Nobari, Alireza
A Reflection on the Article: Biology as the Creation and Stages [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2017, Pages 19-30]
Nobari, Alireza
Critical Analysis of the Article “Quranic Doublets” [Volume 17, Issue 32, 2022, Pages 119-150]
Noormohammadi, Gholamreza
Orientalists and the Medical Civilization of Muslims [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2016, Pages 9-36]
Nouraei, Mohsen
An Investigating the Equivalents of ‘Lam’ and ‘Lamma’ in Russian Translation of the Holy Quran [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 201-226]
Nouraei, Mohsen
A Critical Analysis of the Structure and Content of the Entry “Raj’a” in the Encyclopaedia of Islam [Volume 19, Issue 36, 2024, Pages 169-192]
Nowruzi, Mojtaba
An Investigating the Translation Method of the Word “Ba’dh” (“Some”) and Its Compositions in Some English Translations of the Quran [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 227-250]
Nushin, Mariam
Women and the Quran [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2009, Pages 96-120]
Olyanasab, Seyyed hosein
The role of Tabari's and Baghoi's commentaries in the formation of the suspicion of the Qur'an's indebtedness to Ahadin [(Articles in Press)]
Parwan, Sedigheh
The Shii Scholars’ Defense of the Quran Against the Suspicion of Plagiarism [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2017, Pages 65-84]
Pasang, Haidar
Review of Orientalists' view on Sira and historiography [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2013, Pages 55-65]
Pawurz, David
Analysis of the article entitled “Irth” (Inheritance) in the encyclopaedia of Islam Leiden [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2012, Pages 85-116]
Pooran, Hussein
A Review on Article of Jihad [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2010, Pages 65-100]
Pooran, Hussein
A Critical Study on Article of "Cosmology" from Leiden Encyclopedia [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2010, Pages 101-126]
PourTabatabayi, Sayyed Majid
GOLDEZEHER'S QUR'AN'S RESEARCH [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2007, Pages 193-234]
Puyazadeh, Azam
Analysis of Article: Twelver Shi‘i Ta‘wil [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2010, Pages 119-148]
Puyazadeh, Azam
Quranic Inscriptions in Art and Architecture [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2015, Pages 87-108]
Puya Zadeh, Azam
Early Challenges to the History of Qur’an [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2010, Pages 33-58]
Qafi, Najma
Critique of the Entry of “Marriage” in Oliver Lemon’s Quran Encyclopedia [Volume 16, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 330-356]
Qafi, Najmeh
The Strengths and Weaknesses of the Book “The Study Quran” (Volume One) [Volume 19, Issue 36, 2024, Pages 317-350]
Qandali, Fatema
Critical analysis of the article ‘ambiguous’ in the leiden Qur’anic Encyclopedia [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2015, Pages 135-161]
Qanei, Ali
A Criticism of the Prophet’s Wives Entry from the EQ Leiden Encyclopedia of the Quran [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 39-60]
Qaramaleki, Ali Karimpour
Qasemi Zarandi, Zahra
An Evaluation of Claude Gilliot’s Article “The Beginning of Quranic Exegesis” [Volume 18, Issue 35, 2024, Pages 281-304]
Qasempour, Mohsen
Examination of the Views of Oliver Leaman in ‘Sunna and its Role in Interpretation [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2016, Pages 41-62]
Rahimian, Saeed
A review of Tamara Sonn's article 'introducing' [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2013, Pages 51-71]
Rahimi Haqiqi, Zahra
A review of Tamara Sonn's article 'introducing' [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2013, Pages 51-71]
Rahmannejad, Samane
An Examination of David Cook’s Viewpoints Concerning the Relationship between Jihad and Apocalypse / Eschaton Discourse [Volume 16, Issue 30, 2021, Pages 295-318]
Rajabi Qodsi, Mohsen
Review of the Article “Yaqub” (A.S) in the Leiden Quran Encyclopedia [Volume 17, Issue 32, 2022, Pages 255-286]
Rajabi Qodsi, Mohsen
A Critical Examination of the Article “Yusuf” in the Encyclopedia of Islam [Volume 18, Issue 34, 2023, Pages 225-256]
Raji, Marzieh
An Examination of the Character of Her Highness Khadīja (s) From the Orientalists’ Viewpoint [Volume 18, Issue 34, 2023, Pages 171-198]
Raji, Marziyeh
The Critique of Orientalists’ Views on the Position of Women in Islam in Comparison with the Perspective of the Supreme Leader (May Allah Prolong His Life) [Volume 18, Issue 35, 2024, Pages 39-74]
Ranjbar, Fatimeh
An Analysis of the Personality and Works of Johann Zschendorf in Germany in the 17th Century [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 131-156]
Redha Baqi, Abdul
Contemplation on the meaning of revelation of orientalist perspective [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2015, Pages 53-88]
Rezaee Haftador, Hasan
The pathology of Uri Rubin’s research regarding Israelites [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2014, Pages 111-129]
Rezaee Haftador, Hasan
The Examination of Uri Rubin’s view toward the scope of the Holy Mohammad's (s) prophetic mission [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2015, Pages 67-87]
Rezaee Haftador, Hasan
Critique of Heribert Busse’s Research concerning Jonah [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2015, Pages 47-62]
Rezaee Haftador, Hasan
A Critique of Uri Rubin’s View on the Names and Titles of the Prophet (s) [Volume 14, Issue 26, 2019, Pages 9-22]
Rezaee Haftador, Hasan
Evaluation of Qur'anic opinions of some contemporary orientalists [Volume 15, Issue 29, 2021, Pages 293-318]
Rezaee Haftador, Hasan
An Evaluation of Wansbrough’s View to the Miraculousness of the Qurān [Volume 16, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 217-242]
Rezaee Haftador, Hasan
Criticism of Gerald Hawting’s Methods of Quranic Studies [Volume 17, Issue 32, 2022, Pages 209-228]
Rezaee Haftador, Hasan
An Examination of the Character of Her Highness Khadīja (s) From the Orientalists’ Viewpoint [Volume 18, Issue 34, 2023, Pages 171-198]
Rezaee Haftador, Hasan
The Critique of Orientalists’ Views on the Position of Women in Islam in Comparison with the Perspective of the Supreme Leader (May Allah Prolong His Life) [Volume 18, Issue 35, 2024, Pages 39-74]
Rezaee Haftador, Hasan
A Critical Analysis of Alexander D. Knysh’s View on the Exegetical Methods of Ghazali and Ibn Arabi [Volume 19, Issue 36, 2024, Pages 37-60]
Rezaee Haftador, Hassan
Pathology of the Views of Uri Rubin concerning Revelation [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2016, Pages 63-84]
Rezaee Haftadour, Hasan
Critical Review of Schock’s Study regarding Adam and Eve [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2014, Pages 53-66]
Rezaee Haftadur, Hasan
A review of the article 'archaeology and the Quran' in Leiden Encyclopedia of the Quran [Volume 8, Issue 14, 2013, Pages 119-142]
Rezaee Haftadur, Hasan
A survey on Michael Sells' research on ascension [night journey] [Volume 7, Issue 13, 2013, Pages 87-104]
Rezaee Isfahani, Mohammad Ali
Orientalist views on the manuscripts [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2019, Pages 63-88]
Rezaee Isfahani, Mohammad Ali
Examination of Alleged Cases of Abrogation in the Entry on ‘Abrogation’ in Leiden’s Encyclopedia of Islam [Volume 14, Issue 26, 2019, Pages 103-116]
Rezaee Isfahani, Mohammad Ali
Investigation of leiden Qur'anic encycholopedia Summary [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2007, Pages 43-70]
Rezaee Isfahani, Mohammad Ali
The Project of Documentation of Quran's Text and Its Critical Print [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2007, Pages 117-136]
Rezaee Isfahani, Mohammad Ali
Contemporary Critical practices and Quran [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2008, Pages 67-152]
Rezaee Isfahani, Mohammad Ali
Fatima [Volume 3, Issue 4, 2008, Pages 65-98]
Rezaee Isfahani, Mohammad Ali
Rezaee Isfahani, Mohammad Ali
Review of the article "Quran and Science" from Oliver Lyman's encyclopedia [Volume 15, Issue 29, 2021, Pages 233-254]
Rezaee Isfahani, Mohammad Ali
A Study of the Philosophical Hermeneutics of Orientalists’ Followers [Volume 16, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 104-127]
Rezaei, Seyed Ali Ahmad
The Quranic Documents of Non-Negotiation with the United States in the Declaration of the Second Step [Volume 16, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 42-71]
Rezaei Isfahani, Mohammad Ali
A Study of the Inimitability of the Quran in Oliver Leaman’s Encyclopedia of the Quran [Volume 13, Issue 24, 2018, Pages 29-48]
Rezaei Zarandini, Hassan Reza
Critique of the Qur'anic Adaptation of the Findings of Aristotle and Galen on the Stages of Embryonic Development [Volume 15, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 103-126]
Rezaie Haftadar, Hasan
A review of apostasy article in the Leiden Encyclopedia of the Quran [Volume 7, Issue 12, 2012, Pages 113-130]
Rezaie Haftadar, Hassan
A review of the book: “the collection of the Quran” [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2010, Pages 103-132]
Rezaie Haftadour, Hasan
Biographies and Works of Select Orientalists [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2010, Pages 171-190]
Rezaie Haftadur, Hassan
The Biography of Some Orientalists and their Works [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2010, Pages 195-217]
Reza Moaddab And, Sayed
Analysis of the basis and methods of Shia exegesis [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2009, Pages 9-38]
Reza Muaddab, Sayyed
The Holy Quran from the perspective of western intellectuals [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2009, Pages 61-71]
Reza Nawbary, Ali
Assessment of the article of Hawa in the Islamic encyclopedia [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2009, Pages 82-95]
Reza Noubari, Ali
The Orientalists' Methodology in Exegesis of the holy Qur’an and Observation of Tradition [Volume 5, Issue 8, 2010, Pages 13-28]
Reza Rasuli Ravandi, Mohammad
Quranic Inscriptions in Art and Architecture [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2015, Pages 87-108]
Reza Rezaei, Hassan
Oreintalists and the impressionability of Quran from the culture of era [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2009, Pages 137-162]
Reza Rezaei, Hassan
The subjects and necessities of research in the field of Quran and orientalists [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2009, Pages 181-210]
Reza Rezaie, Hassan
Bibliography of Quran and Orientalists [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2010, Pages 217-245]
Reza Rezaie, Hassan
Prophets and prophethood [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2009, Pages 65-81]
Reza’i Adaryani, Ebrahim
On the Language of the Quran: Examining the Views of Mohammed Arkoun [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2016, Pages 91-109]
Riahi Mehr, Bagher
Riahi Mehr, Bagher
Critical study of the book “HOSN AL-EIJAAZ FI EBTAALEL EAJAAZ [Volume 15, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 67-86]
Riahi Mehr, Bagher
Critique of Orientalists' theory of the Qur’an’s impressionability from the culture of the time [Volume 15, Issue 29, 2021, Pages 65-92]
Riahi Mehr, Bagher
Quranic Strategies to Counter American Conspiracies against the Islamic Revolution [Volume 16, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 72-103]
Riahi Mehr, Bagher
Criticism of the Modern Skepticism Approach in the Quranic Studies of Orientalists [Volume 17, Issue 32, 2022, Pages 71-94]
Riahi Mehr, Bagher
The Origin and Formation of Quranic Jurisprudence from the Perspective of Orientalists [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 277-300]
Riahi Mehr, Bagher
A Critical Examination of the Foundational and Methodological Aspects “The Contemporary Interpretation of the Holy Quran (The Study Quran)” (Third Volume) [Volume 18, Issue 34, 2023, Pages 39-66]
Riahi Mehr, Bagher
A Comparative Study of the Value System of Women in Islam and Western Culture (Based on the Views of Orientalists and the Quranic Ideology of His Eminence, Ayatollah Khamenei) [Volume 18, Issue 35, 2024, Pages 9-38]
Riahi Mehr, Bagher
A Critical Study of Orientalists’ Approach in Analyzing the Quranic Character of Imam Hossein (AS) [Volume 19, Issue 36, 2024, Pages 89-132]
Riahi Mehr, Bagher
Revisiting the Books of the Quranic Series in Western Studies
The Holy Abbasid Shrine [Volume 19, Issue 36, 2024, Pages 351-356]
Ridâyi Haftadur, Hasan
Biological approach of some orientalists and their contributions [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2012, Pages 137-156]
Ridāyi Haftadur, Hasan
Biographies and Works of Selected Orientalists [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2010, Pages 163-184]
Rostamnejad, Mahdi
Assessment of “Imam” article from the Encyclopedia of Quran [Volume 3, Issue 4, 2008, Pages 99-130]
Rostamnejad, Mehdi
The Role of Sciences and Techniques of Recitations (Qira’at) in Responding to the Orientalists’ Doubts [Volume 16, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 275-302]
Roushanzamir, Muhammad Ibrahim
A Review of the Article “Buhira” in the Encyclopedia of Islam [Volume 13, Issue 25, 2019, Pages 125-146]
Roushanzamir, Muhammad Ibrahim
Orientalists' misuse of Sunni sources (a case study of the story of Varaqa bin Noufal in the encyclopedia of Islam [(Articles in Press)]
Rubin, Uri
Prophets and prophethood [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2009, Pages 65-81]
RustamNejad, Mahdi
The Critical Review of Robson’s article "criticism of Hadith” in the Encyclopedia of Islam [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2014, Pages 67-84]
Rustam Nijad, Mahdi
Mahdi Rustam Nijad [Volume 4, Issue 6, 2009, Pages 73-104]
Sadat Itesami, Sumayyeh
Analysis of Article: Muhammad (s) [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2010, Pages 11-44]
Sadat Itesami, Sumayyeh
An Analysis of Pertaining to the Definition of the Prophetic Family [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2010, Pages 11-32]
Sadat Shabani, Azam
An examination of the entry "adoption" in the Encyclopedia of Islam [Volume 10, Issue 18, 2015, Pages 137-162]
Sadat Shabani, Azam
The survey of Orientalist Views concerning Homosexuality in the Quran [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2015, Pages 63-86]
Sadeghi Naav, Azarman
Criticism and analysis of the ancient view on the role and function of celestial beings in existence from the perspective of the Holy Quran. [(Articles in Press)]
Sadiq Haidary, Muhammad
Analysis of the view of Regis Blachere and Ignaz Goldziher concerning the inscription of the Qur’an [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2012, Pages 11-30]
Safa’i Nik, Mina
An Analysis of Destiny in the Encyclopedia of the Qur’an, Leiden Sabayon Schtemiteth [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2010, Pages 143-162]
Sanchooli, Dost Ali
An Examination and Analysis of Joseph Haddad’s View on the Differences in the Prophet’s (PBUH) Attitudes Towards the People of the Book in Mecca and Medina [Volume 19, Issue 36, 2024, Pages 217-238]
Saremi, Fatemeh
Views of the Quran and Orientalists concerning the Wives of Prophet Muammad (s) [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2016, Pages 61-90]
Sarvvand, Akram
A Critical Review of the Theory of “Self-Reference of the Quran” in the Encyclopedia of Oliver Leaman, Emphasizing the Thoughts of His Eminence Ayatollah Khamenei [Volume 18, Issue 35, 2024, Pages 75-98]
Sazandegi, Mahdi
Examination of the Infallibility of Prophet Noah according to the Leiden Encyclopedia of the Quran [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2016, Pages 9-20]
Sazandegi, Mahdi
Critique of Firestone’s Article “Abraham” (A.S.) [Volume 15, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 165-186]
Sazjini, Morteza
A Critique of Supposing Quran as Letters to Holy Prophet [Volume 16, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 128-154]
Sepehrifard, Hosein
Criticism and evaluation of the role of orientalists in the revival of Quranic manuscripts and manuscript studies [(Articles in Press)]
Sepehri Fard, Hossein
The Origin and Formation of Quranic Jurisprudence from the Perspective of Orientalists [Volume 17, Issue 33, 2023, Pages 277-300]
Sepehri Fard, Hossein
A Critical Study of Orientalists’ Approach in Analyzing the Quranic Character of Imam Hossein (AS) [Volume 19, Issue 36, 2024, Pages 89-132]
Shahidi, Rohallah
An Examination of the Character of Her Highness Khadīja (s) From the Orientalists’ Viewpoint [Volume 18, Issue 34, 2023, Pages 171-198]
Shah Muhammadi, Mahdi
The pathology of Uri Rubin’s research regarding Israelites [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2014, Pages 111-129]
Shamabadi, Masoud
Investigation of "Numbers" article in Oliver Lyman's Encyclopedia of the Quran [Volume 15, Issue 29, 2021, Pages 255-270]
Sharifi, Ali
Tafsir in early Islam [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2010, Pages 191-216]
SHOAEY, Ali Asghar
Critique of Social tendency of “The Contemporary Interpretation of the Holy Quran” [= “The Study Quran”] [Volume 16, Issue 30, 2021, Pages 82-107]
SHOAEY, Ali Asghar
A Comparative Review of the Meanings of Disjointed Letters in the Perspectives of Orientalists and Exegetes of Two Major Schools (Shia and Sunni), Emphasizing the Views of His Eminence, The Supreme Leader [Volume 18, Issue 35, 2024, Pages 127-154]
Shoorcheh, Abdolhossein
Critical Examination of Orientalist Views concerning the Quranic Approach to Story-Telling [Volume 10, Issue 19, 2015, Pages 109-130]
Soleymani, Nasrollah
Scientific meeting on Qur'an and oreintalists (in the presence of university professors and Grand Ayatoollah Makarem Shirazi) [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2007, Pages 13-60]
Soltani, Sayyed Mohammad
A critique of Richard Bell's view about chronology of the Quran [Volume 15, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 187-208]
Soltani, Sayyed Mohammad
Criticism of the View of the Formation of the Quran Based on Syriac Texts [Volume 17, Issue 32, 2022, Pages 151-176]
Soltani Renani, Mahdi
Assessment of Orientalists perspective in regard to Quranic sources [Volume 3, Issue 4, 2008, Pages 131-144]
Tanafard, Sareh
A Critique and Evaluation of Gabriel Reynolds’ Perspective on the Term “Rajeem” (Stoning and Cursed) in the Quran [Volume 18, Issue 35, 2024, Pages 155-178]
Tanafard, Sareh
Intertextuality and Understanding the Quran from Reynolds' Perspective [(Articles in Press)]
TaqiDayari Bidguli, Muhammad
An examination of the Orientalists’ view of Prophet’s marriage with Zainab [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2014, Pages 85-108]
Taqipur, Husayn
Analysis of Article: Companions of the Prophet (s) [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2010, Pages 97-118]
Tayyebi, Zainab
A Critical Examination of the Foundational and Methodological Aspects “The Contemporary Interpretation of the Holy Quran (The Study Quran)” (Third Volume) [Volume 18, Issue 34, 2023, Pages 39-66]
Thabit Divshali, Najmeh
The Orientalists’ Resources regarding the Biography of the Prophet (PBUH) [Volume 8, Issue 15, 2014, Pages 131-149]
Vajdi, Fatemeh
Examination of the View of Asma Afsaruddin about ‘Shafa'a’ in The Qur'an: An Encyclopedia by Oliver Leaman [Volume 11, Issue 20, 2016, Pages 21-39]
Vajdi, Fatemeh
Review of the Article on “Shafaʿa” in the Oliver Leaman’s Encyclopedia of the Quran [Volume 12, Issue 23, 2017, Pages 103-122]
Zakizadeh Renani, Alireza
A Critique of the Literary Approach of Mohammed Arkoun in the Interpretation of the Quran [Volume 13, Issue 24, 2018, Pages 77-92]
Zamani, M.Hassan
Assessment of the article of Hawa in the Islamic encyclopedia [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2009, Pages 82-95]
Zamani, Mohammad Hasan
Concept, History and periods of orientalism [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2007, Pages 27-42]
Zamani, Mohammad Hasan
Concept, History and periods of orientalism [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2007, Pages 61-90]
Zamani, Mohammad Hossein
An Examining Orientalists’ Doubts Regarding the Competence of Religion Regarding the Theorization in Governance [Volume 19, Issue 36, 2024, Pages 9-36]
Zamani, Muhammad Hasan
Critique of the Entry of “Marriage” in Oliver Lemon’s Quran Encyclopedia [Volume 16, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 330-356]
Zamani, Muhammad-Hasan
Objectives of Orientalists in Translation of the Qur’an [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2010, Pages 59-72]
Zargar Kazemi, Zaynab
Evaluation of Goldziher’s Views About the Influence of the Sciences of Theology, Philosophy and Mysticism on the Modeling of the Prophet’s (s) Personality [Volume 12, Issue 22, 2017, Pages 77-104]
Zavini, Hakimeh
Examination of the Entry “Psalms” in the Encyclopaedia of the Quran [Volume 11, Issue 21, 2016, Pages 111-133]
Zoghi, Mahmood
Critical analysis of article entitled Sawm (fasting) from Encyclopedia of Islam [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2012, Pages 117-135]
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