Interaction of Seyyed Hossein Nasr's views with the people of the book in the book of contemporary commentary

Document Type : Original Article


Associate professor of Al – Mustafa international university


“The Contemporary Interpretation of the Holy Quran” [= “The Study Quran”] is written in a Christian environment. In the Holy Quran, the principle of the religions of Judaism and Christianity is discussed and Moses and Jesus are considered as the divine prophets. The Torah [= Old Testament] was revealed to Moses and the Bible [= New Testament] to Jesus while Quran has criticized the behavior and thoughts of Jews and Christians, especially criticized the Jews’ actions during the time of the Prophet of Islam (P.B.U.H.) and has excommunicated them in some instances. “The Contemporary Interpretation of the Holy Quran” [= “The Study Quran”] edited by Seyyed Hussein Nasr have biasedly justified Judaism and Christianity in the contemporary era and has justified or covered up some of their false beliefs and ideas. The current article criticizes some of the biased views of this interpretation in dealing with the People of the Book [Ahl al-Kitab]. The religious pluralism accepted in this exegesis is severely criticized by the commentators and verses of the Quran and Islamic narrations. The non-distortion of the Bible which is affirmed by this exegesis has been rejected for many reasons by the verses, hadiths and views of the commentators. The Holy Quran considered the issue of Trinity as a cause of disbelief which in common in contemporary Christianity or there is no plausible justification for it and also considering temporary Hellfire for the Jews is quite different from that of the getting some Muslims out of hell.


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