Your article will be sent to the Editorial Board Members if it is one of the following topics؛
1-Expansion of studies in the field of Quran and Orientalists.
2-Publishing the results of systematic and problem-oriented researches about the Qur'an and Orientalists.
3. Criticism of the Qur'anic studies of Orientalists.
4. Defending the Qur'an against the doubts of Orientalists.
5. Connection with Quranic encyclopedias of the world,
including the Leyden Quranic encyclopedia Also your submission should:
• Report your own research;
• Not been published in other journals or conference proceedings;
• If presented in a conference, please provide full bibliographical details of the conference.
We need that your submission be structured as follows:
1) Extended Abstract
• Purpose
• Method (Use the word 'Methodology' if you describe your research method)
• Findings
• Conclusion
2) Keywords
3) Introduction
4) Method
5) Findings
6) Conclusions
7) Acknowledgement
(If required)
8) Conflict of Interests
(If required)
8) References
9) Appendix (If required) Please consider the following before submitting your article:
Title: Keep the title as short as possible.
Start your title with keywords.
Do not start with non-keywords like “investigating”, Evaluation”, “Study”.
You may use such words to explain the nature of you work as subtitle.
Please use Times New Roman bold size 14 for title Authorship: Full names of all authors, plus their academic qualifications, affiliations, and email are required.
Please use Times New Roman bold size 11 for names.
We accept extended structured abstracts, divided to Purpose, Method, Findings, and Conclusion.
Please use Times New Roman size 11 for abstract. Keywords: Prefer single word keywords.
Avoid using phrases as keywords.
write at least five main keywords.
Please use Times New Roman size 11 for keywords too. Introduction:
Keep the introduction short.
Avoid giving information that is not new to our potential readers as LIS professionals.
Briefly discuss your research question, its significance, and the theoretical framework you have adopted.
Your review of the literature should serve the justification of your research and your methodology.
Avoid to use your space by reviewing previous research without concluding to the benefit of your work.
Research Method:
Clearly and carefully explain and justify your data gathering and analysis process.
In doing so, you may refer to proviruses research and discuss their strength and weaknesses.
Use demographic data (e.g. age, sex, education) only when your adopted theoretical framework regards data as potential variables.
When using tables and charts to illustrate findings, suffice to discuss the relation among components.
Do not use your space by describing the content fully. Note1. :Do not use table and chart simultaneously for the same data.
Note2. :Do not use percent for small quantities.
Note3. :Use colors for all illustrations that could be printed black and white.
We expect that your conclusions be entirely based on your findings.
No new data or findings should be added here.
References to and quotes from previous works you have cited in the introduction of your article in order to support your arguments is acceptable.
If your research has revived intellectual and/or financial support, express your gratitude here.
Conflict of Interests (If required):
In this section, authors should clearly state any potential conflicts of interest, such as receiving money, or gaining inventory or shares that may be gained or lost through the publication of the article.
The name of the person or organization that influences one of the goals or actions of the research, or the sources and sponsors who were involved in each of the stages of design, collection, analysis, interpretation and publication of the article should be fully mentioned.
Regarding Style
• Use Times New Roman font size 12 for the body of your article with single space between lines o Use Times New Roman font size 10 for tables.
Add table descriptions above the table, e.g. (Table2. Xxxxxx), and below the illustration both with centered alignment.
o Make sure your submission does not exceed 5000 words (excluding abstract and references).
o Extended abstracts must be at least 400 words long but no more than 800 words.
o Keep margins at 2.5cm.
o Capital letter for keywords in the title.
• Use Times New Roman font size 10 for footnotes.
• Use APA citation style for all kinds of resources you refer to in your work.