A Critique of Uri Rubin’s Interpretation of the Verses of Barā’ah (Disavowal) and Qitāl (Combat)

Document Type : Original Article


1 . Ph.D. Candidate in Quran and Hadith Sciences, Farabi Campus, University of Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor and member of the Faculty of Theology, Farabi Campus, University of Tehran



In his article Barā’ah: A Study of Some Qur’anic Verses, Uri Rubin assumes the expansion of Islam through combat and, through his interpretation of the opening verses of Sūrat al-Tawbah, outlines aspects of the relationship between Muslims and polytheists during the time of the Prophet (peace be upon him). These include: the unilateral annulment of all treaties between the Prophet and polytheists who remained faithful to their covenants, and the command to fight them after a four-month grace period (verses 1, 2, and 4); the command to fight non-allied polytheists at any time and place, lifting the sanctity of warfare during the sacred months and in the Sacred Mosque (verse 3); the abrogation of verses advocating forgiveness and pardon by the “Verse of the Sword” and the command to fight all polytheists (verse 5); and the Prophet’s treaties with polytheists during the period of Muslim weakness (before the Battle of Tabūk) and their annulment during the period of Muslim strength (after the Battle of Tabūk). Rubin’s view presents a violent image of Islam, contributing to contemporary Islamophobia. Therefore, it is essential to examine and critique such an approach. This study, using an analytical-critical method, critiques Rubin’s perspective and, by emphasizing the text of the Barā’ah verses, demonstrates that, based on these verses, Muslims were commanded to fight covenant-breaking and aggressive polytheists after the sacred months had passed, while remaining faithful to treaties with polytheists who honored their covenants and refrained from aggression. According to this interpretation, the Barā’ah verses are compatible with verses advocating peace, and the theory of their abrogation does not hold.


Main Subjects

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