The protection and safety of the Holy Quran from distortion is one of the most important topics in the Quranic sciences. In addition to it, the distortion of the Bible and the explanation of its type is also one of the important issues among Quranic researchers. The importance of determining its type is in the sense that if the semantical distortion of the Bible is proven, the idea of protection of the Holy Quran, like other holy books, will be proven. Meanwhile, the viewpoint of the authors of the book “The Contemporary Interpretation of the Holy Quran” [= “The Study Quran”] in refuting the verbal distortion of the holy books, makes the issue even more important. The research method in this article is analytical-descriptive with a critical approach. Research findings indicate that contrary to the opinion of the book’s editor-in-chief, the Bible, in addition to being semantically distorted, has also undergone verbal distortion throughout its history. While the author’s claim is in accordance with the meaning of the verses of the Holy Quran and the understanding of the commentators is no other than that; Therefore, the documents and interpretations expressed in the above book are also false and distortable
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Karimpoor Qaramaleky, A. . "The study of Denial of verbal distortion of the Bible position in
“The contemporary interpretation of the Holly Quran", The Qur’an from Orientalists Point of View, 16, 30, 2021, 182-206. doi: 10.22034/qkh.2021.5952
Karimpoor Qaramaleky, A. (2021). 'The study of Denial of verbal distortion of the Bible position in
“The contemporary interpretation of the Holly Quran', The Qur’an from Orientalists Point of View, 16(30), pp. 182-206. doi: 10.22034/qkh.2021.5952
A. Karimpoor Qaramaleky, "The study of Denial of verbal distortion of the Bible position in
“The contemporary interpretation of the Holly Quran," The Qur’an from Orientalists Point of View, 16 30 (2021): 182-206, doi: 10.22034/qkh.2021.5952
Karimpoor Qaramaleky, A. The study of Denial of verbal distortion of the Bible position in
“The contemporary interpretation of the Holly Quran. The Qur’an from Orientalists Point of View, 2021; 16(30): 182-206. doi: 10.22034/qkh.2021.5952