A Critical Analysis of Reynolds’ Views on the Prostration of Angels to Adam (AS) in the Qur’an

Document Type : Original Article


1 . Level Three, Department of Tafsir and Quranic Sciences, Fatimah al-Zahra Seminary, Isfahan, Iran, “Corresponding Author”

2 . Assistant Professor, Institute for Research in Islamic Sciences and Culture, Research Center for Philosophy and Islamic Theology, Department of Ethics Philosophy, Qom, Iran;

3 . Assistant Professor, Baqir al-Uloom University, Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Studies, Isfahan, Iran.



One of the research topics in the Qur’an is the prostration of angels to Adam. Gabriel Said Reynolds, an active orientalist in Qur’anic studies, proposes in his book The Qur’an and Its Biblical Subtext that understanding the Qur’an requires referencing earlier Jewish and Christian scriptures. He argues that the story of the angels’ prostration to Adam in the Qur’an can only be comprehended through these texts. However, his views contain flaws in both foundational and content-related areas. Foundational issues include the use of inappropriate sources in Qur’anic translation and exegesis, neglect of lexical sources, and uncritical acceptance of the People of the Book’s texts. Content-related issues involve insufficient attention to contradictions among sacred texts, failure to address contradictions between these texts and the Qur’an, and misinterpretation of key terms such as khalīfah (successor) and sujūd (prostrate). This research, employing a descriptive-analytical method, critically evaluates Reynolds’ views on the prostration of angels to Adam (AS).


Main Subjects

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