The first importance of the Christian west to Quranology



Almost after a decade from the advent of Islam, the Christian West found the presence of Muslims in their borders assuming Islam as a political challenge for them. The Islamic civilization that was gradually on the rise in different dimensions complicated the issue further. In the meantime, the West chose to challenge Islam showing different types of reactions including the Crusades and Quranology. Concurrent to the Crusades, the theologians and defenders of the Christian beliefs emphasized on learning Islamic teachings. Thus, they began to translate the Quran so as to fully grasp the content of the Quran. Because, they assumed it as a means of intellectual and spiritual dispute [war] and as a complement to their military campaign against the Muslims. The current paper studies the Christian western Quranology and their Crusades. As such, he pointed at Dir Kluni in religious dynamism of the western society. The paper also talks about the following themes: the position of Ṭulayṭulah [presently Toledo] in respect with the translation of Islamic works, introducing those who conducted the project of 'Quranology', their motives and ends and finally the impacts of Latin translation of the Quran in Christianity.
