A Critical Reading of Noldeke’s Criteria for the Incongruity of Quranic Verses

Document Type : Scientific Article Promotion


1 . Associate Professor of the Holy Quran University of Sciences and Education, Qom, Iran (First Author):

2 Syed Fazullah Mirzeinali: PhD Candidate in the Field of Comparative Exegesis, Quranic Sciences and Education University, Qom, Iran (Corresponding Author))



One of the pivotal topics in Quranic studies and exegesis is the coherence of verses within the surahs. Numerous orientalists have scrutinized and assessed this matter, with the majority asserting that the verses within Quranic surahs exhibit a lack of coherence. Theodor Noldeke, in his work “History of the Quran,” is a notable advocate of this viewpoint and has extensively discussed the issue. The criteria posited by Noldeke regarding the perceived incoherence of verses, along with the critiques and evaluations of these criteria, constitute the primary focus of the present article. This study endeavors, employing a descriptive-analytical approach, to elucidate and critically appraise Noldeke’s criteria concerning the lack of coherence in Quranic verses. The conclusion drawn is that Noldeke’s criteria for incoherence are evident in both structural and content-related dimensions. Variations in verse length, style, rhyme, context, and inconsistencies in the verses’ content are categorized within these two dimensions. An assessment of these criteria reveals that stylistic variations serve as a distinctive characteristic of the Quran, with the intention of affecting human consciousness. The differences in rhyme and context arise from a commitment to meaning, while variations in verse length correspond to the condition of the audience. Furthermore, discrepancies in content illustrate the Quran’s unique approach to presenting concepts and teachings in a manner that is both mixed and integrated.


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