The Method of Narrative Interpretation (Tafsīr al-Riwāyī) in the Critical View of Goldziher 

Document Type : Original Article


1 . Assistant Professor, Department of Quranic Studies and Orientalists, Higher Education Complex for Quran and Hadith, Al-Mustafa International University, Qom, Iran;

2 . Graduate, Level Four, Specialized Center for Tafsir and Quranic Sciences, Qom, Iran, “Corresponding Author”;



One of the significant topics in the study of exegetical schools and methods is the identification of interpretive approaches. This subject holds particular importance for exegetes and Quranic scholars, referred to in Arabic as ittijāhāt tafsīriyya and in English as Approaches to Interpretation. Various books have been written on this topic by different authors. Among these works, The Directions of Exegesis Among Muslims by Ignaz Goldziher stands out due to the importance of Orientalist studies with diverse perspectives. Examining his discussions on exegetical trends is crucial. Additionally, given the significance of narrative interpretation (tafsīr al-riwāyī) as the earliest interpretive method, Goldziher’s discussions on this topic have been critically analyzed. While some positive aspects can be identified, the quantity and quality of his errors are too substantial to overlook. This article, employing a descriptive-analytical method with a critical approach, systematically organizes and evaluates Goldziher’s views on narrative interpretation. The findings reveal that his analysis of the narrative interpretation method is unacceptable, containing numerous foundational and methodological flaws. The author argues that Goldziher’s specific intellectual inclinations, his misunderstanding of the principles of narrative interpretation, lack of precision in scholarly analysis, incorrect references, and biases have led to his errors.


Main Subjects

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