An In-Depth Analysis of Contemporary Orientalist Quranic Studies, with a Focus on the United States

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor and Researcher of Al-Mustafa International Research Center, from Afghanistan; (

2 Assistant Professor and Faculty Member, Al-Mustafa International University, Qom, Iran


The study of the Quran and efforts to comprehend its teachings have gained significant momentum in Western societies, particularly in the United States. This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the main trends in Orientalist Quranic studies in the present era, with a specific emphasis on American scholars. Employing a descriptive-analytical method and a critical approach, it examines the nature of these scholars’ engagement with the Quran and Quranic matters. By tracing historical developments, five prominent trends are identified and analyzed: traditionalist, polemical-evangelical, skeptical, scientific-critical, and approach-oriented. The findings reveal that Quranic studies within this field have witnessed positive and progressive advancements, despite challenges such as political influence and extremist religious movements infiltrating academic circles. While the polemical-evangelical trend initially dominated Quranic studies in this area and the skeptical trend gained prominence in the late twentieth century, the prevailing trend today is the scientific-critical approach. This approach is characterized by a more empathetic perspective and a fair evaluation of the Quran



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Volume 18, Issue 34 - Serial Number 34
(Registration No. 124/ 5086 Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance) Volume 34, Spring and Summer 2023
September 2023
Pages 9-38
  • Receive Date: 12 November 2022
  • Revise Date: 22 January 2023
  • Accept Date: 10 September 2023