A review of the book: “the collection of the Quran”



John Burton is an English Quranic researcher and the author of the book “the collection of the Quran”. While talking about the edition of Quran, he maintains that the Quran we have access to, is the same Quran that has been collected by the prophet and no loss or deficiency has taken place within its verses. The issues of “abrogation” and “codices (Masahif) of the companions” are the two factors to eliminate the role of the prophet from collection of Quran mission. The subjects such as “abrogation of the recitation and the ruling” and “abrogation of the recitation and continuity of the ruling” enjoy nothing of the actual reality. They are the Sunnite jurists minds’ fabricated products, who while debating with other jurists and finding reasons from the holy Quran in favour of their own opinions, resorted to such means and documents. Had the prophet of Islam collected the verses of the Quran in the form of a codex (Mushaf), the aforementioned jurists could not converse of different recitations of the companions’ codices (Masahif) and elimination of some texts from the present Quran in the form of two kinds of abrogation. They saw and found the alternative to fabricate traditions to eliminate the role of the prophet from the process of collecting the Quran and to shift the accomplishment of this important task after his lifetime. Finally they did it.


Volume 4, Issue 7
No.7, Autumn- Winter 2010
March 2010
Pages 103-132
  • Receive Date: 27 September 2009
  • Revise Date: 17 December 2009
  • Accept Date: 31 December 2009