A Pathology of the First Volume of the Book “The Contemporary Interpretation of the Holy Quran” [= “The Study Quran”] and Its Comparison with other Tafasir


Associate professor of Al-Mustafa University


“The Contemporary Interpretation of the Holy Quran” [= “The Study Quran”] is the work of a group of Western scholars, edited by Seyyed Hossein Nasr, which has been translated into Persian by Insha Allah Rahmati under the supervision of Mustafa Malakian. The first volume consists of three Surahs of Fatih al-Ketab, Baqarah and Ale Imran:
In addition to mentioning the most important strengths of this book, the author of the present article has reviewed the formal-structural problems and especially the content disorder of this book in a descriptive-analytical method.
The most important drawbacks of the book can be introduced as following:
- Incorrect naming of the book (by the translator)
- Selecting of non-specialist colleagues for the interpretation of the Quran
- Lack of a clear definition of “traditionalist school” [= “perennial philosophy]” and “contemporary”
- Mentioning some very unlikely possibilities without documentation
- Citing and testifying to some weak and fabricated narrations
- Defending religious pluralism.
- Lack of explanation of the important miracle dimensions and aspects of the Holy Quran, including literary miracles.
- Refusing to accurately interpret the political and social verses of the Holy Quran. - Failure to answer the doubts related to the miracles of the prophets and the issue of predestination.
- Marginalizing the views of Shia School of thought.
As a result, such an interpretation, first published in the United States by some Westerners under the supervision of a Shiite scholar in English around the world, needs to be seriously edited methodically as well as content if it is to reflect the true and accurate meaning of the Quranic verses in various dimensions.


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