An Analysis of the Personality and Works of Johann Zschendorf in Germany in the 17th Century

Document Type : Scientific Article Promotion


1 Ph.D. Scholar, History and Civilization of Islamic Nations, Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies, Ferdowsi University, Mashhad, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of History and Civilization of Islamic Nations, Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran


Johann Zechendorff (1580-1662) was the head of the Sevi Kau Latin School, a linguist and a Lutheran Christian. He was one of the pioneers in the field of Arabic and Islamic studies in the territory of the Kingdom of Germany in the Roman Empire. The translation of the Saff and Naba Surahs into Latin, as well as the translation of the commentary of the Qari’ah and Asr Surahs, are among his printed works, which were printed with wooden letters with difficulty. He made a lot of efforts to prepare the complete printed version of the Quran along with the Latin translation; however, due to unknown reasons, he failed to publish the complete Quran. So far, the activities and works of Johann Zechendorf as the pioneers of Islamic studies have not been considered and analyzed in Persian studies. This research, with a descriptive-library method, reviewed the works and activities of Zechendorff in the field of Arabic education and the translation of the Quran into Latin, and based on the previous research of Asaph Ben-Tov, Roberto Tottoli and Reinhold Glei, he endeavored to determine the position of this German orientalist in the field of Arabic education and outlined Islamic studies. In addition to the brief description and introduction of Zeschendorff’s works, the results indicate that although he started his translation in the early stages intending to reject it, in the later stages and after getting to know Baydawi’s exegesis, he changed his approach, which could be the cause of his isolation in the final stages of his life


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