Critique and Review of the Entry “Mawla and Wala” in the Encyclopaedia of the Quran Leiden

Document Type : Original Article


1 . PhD in Exegesis and Quran Sciences, Exegesis Scientific Department of Al-Zahra (S) Seminary School, Qom, Iran

2 . 4th Level Student, Majoring in Comparative Interpretation, Al-Zahra (S) Seminary School, Qom, Iran (Corresponding Author)



Understanding and critically evaluating the views of orientalists on Islamic knowledge is essential for Muslim academic communities. This paper, conducted using a descriptive-analytical method, critiques and reviews the entry “Mawla and Wala,” written by Sebastian Gunther in the Encyclopaedia of the Quran Leiden. Upon examining this entry, it becomes clear that the author, based on his intellectual principles—emphasizing the influence of local cultures on Islamic culture—has taken a good historical approach to the term and discussed its usage in the tribal Arab society before Islam. Positive aspects of the entry include its logical structure, examination of the term “Mawla” in several Quranic verses, consideration of some exegetical sources, and brief mention of meanings like authority, ownership, and guardianship in the Quran. However, significant weaknesses of the entry include the limitation of the term “Mawla” to meanings like dependent, protector, and supported member throughout the article, a biased report on the concept of “Mawla and Wala,” selective approach to the term’s usage in the Quran, failure to highlight the primary meaning of “priority in authority” and “guardianship,” lack of references in various parts of the article, reliance on Sunni sources without using multiple sources, particularly Shia sources, and the omission of the Wilayah verse. These shortcomings have resulted in the article lacking the necessary rigor and depth, and the author failing to fully convey the concept of “Mawla,” and consequently, the principle of Wilayah and its importance in Quranic verses and Shia beliefs.


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