A Critique of Supposing Quran as Letters to Holy Prophet

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of the University of Holy Quran Sciences and Education


The book “Letters to Muhammad the Prophet / Research on the Roots of the Quran” is a research on the source of the Quran written by Amin Qazaei. He believes that the Meccan verses and chapters of the Quran were originally letters sent to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) by the Judeo-Christian sect called the Abyssinians, and with these letters, the original text, The Holy Bible was given to him as an appendix and description of these letters, but at the time of compiling the Quran, these letters were compiled as the Quran. Considering the importance of the issue of revelation and divinity of the Quran and the fact that the present book has been published in Persian in a cyberspace; it was necessary to critique his methodology in this article. In the present study, the sources and the Qazaei’s method in the present perspective were examined by the method of critical analysis. In explaining his view, the author is influenced by the views of revisionist orientalists on the validity of Islamic sources such as Wansbrough and Luxenberg. The result of the methodological study of the book indicates that the Qazaei’s view does not have any of the characteristics of a scientific theory and is based on conjecture and probability. The biggest problem of the book is the escaping from base of history and depending on textual analysis without the necessary conditions which has led to an imaginative and far-fetched analysis.


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