A descriptive-analytic and thematic introduction of the Qur’ānic theses on Orientalism



It is almost a truism to say that theses and dissertations play a vital role in scientific development of the researches and researchers. This fact makes us pay extreme heed not only to the quantity but also to the quality of the theses. The Muslim scholars and researchers have recently begun their critical appraisal of the Orientalists' Qur’ānic activities and studies. The present paper overviews more than 80 M.A. and PhD theses that have delved into the Orientalists' Qur’ānic studies. The author gives a brief introduction of the very theses including a list from their chapters and the necessities on the Qur’ānic theses in the field of orientalism. In general, these theses can be classified according to three categories: the first covers the critique of standpoints developed by a particular orientalist. The second treats a particular topic from the Islamic teachings or Qur’ānic sciences in the light of orientalists’ view. The third studies and reviews the orientalists' stance adding complementary points to their researches.
