A Critical Study of Orientalists’ Approach in Analyzing the Quranic Character of Imam Hossein (AS)

Document Type : Original Article


1 . Associate Professor of the Quran and Orientalist Department, Quran and Hadith Higher Education Complex, Al-Mustafa International University, Qom, Iran

2 . Ph.D. from University of Religions and Denominations in the Field of Theology, Orientation of Quran and Hadith, Faculty of Quran and Hadith, Department of Quranic Sciences (Corresponding Author)



The character / personality of Imam Hossein (AS) and the historiography of the Ashura uprising have consistently been pivotal topics of discussion among Muslim scholars, particularly within Shia Islam, as the events of Ashura have profoundly shaped Shia history and continue to exert a significant influence today. Inspired by Imam Hossein’s (AS) stand against oppression, generations of Shia and Muslims have raised the banner of resistance against tyranny across the globe. This prominent role of the Ashura event, along with the extensive focus on Imam Hossein’s (AS) character in various historical, artistic, social, and political contexts, has led some Orientalists, who have shown interest in Shia studies for diverse reasons, to explore and analyze the character of Imam Hossein (AS) and the Ashura uprising from multiple perspectives. This article employs a descriptive-analytical approach, utilizing library research and content analysis, to explore the topic of “Orientalist Perspectives on the Analysis of Imam Hossein’s (AS) Character from the Era of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to the Ashura Uprising.” It critically examines the reports and analyses provided by Orientalists, remaining faithful to their original content. The findings reveal that in the works of some Orientalists, such as Louis Massignon, Gabriel Danjiri, and Vechia Valieri, Imam Hossein (AS) is not restricted solely to the Ashura event. Their analyses span four distinct periods: 1) the time of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), 2) the era of the Rightly Guided Caliphs, 3) the period of Imam Ali (AS), and 4) the time of Imam Hassan (AS). However, some biases are evident in the discussions on Imam Hassan (AS) where Orientalists have attempted to fabricate conflicts between Hasan and Hossein (AS), distorting historical truths. Certain Orientalists have attributed the causes of the Ashura uprising to factors such as opposition to the hereditary caliphate of the Umayyads and the invitation extended to Imam Hossein (AS) by the people of Kufa. For example, Francisco Gabrieli, Antoine Bara, and Monsieur Marbin viewed the presence of women and children with Imam Hossein (AS) as indicative of his oppression. They identified key objectives of the uprising, including the promotion of virtue, freedom, resistance to humiliation, and the revival of Islam, thus presenting Ashura as a practical model for Muslims to confront and liberate themselves from oppressors throughout history. The evaluation of Orientalist theories concerning certain Quranic verses (such as the Verse of Mubahala, the Verse of Purification, the Verse of Affection, and Verse 37 of Surah Baqarah) — which Shia and Sunni interpreters assert were revealed regarding the Ahl al-Bayt (AS) and Imam Hossein (AS) — undermines the biased claims made by some Orientalists about differences between the characters of Imam Hassan and Imam Hossein (AS). This examination highlights errors or material biases, particularly related to the Ashura movement and uprising, demonstrating that some Orientalist perspectives, influenced by personal or ideological biases and lacking reference to authentic Islamic sources, have sought to distort the character of Imam Hossein (AS). The luminous Quranic verses revealed in his honor refuted such distortions.


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