Analysis of the article entitled “Irth” (Inheritance) in the encyclopaedia of Islam Leiden


دانشیار جامعة المصطفی9 العالمیه


One of the most important juristic and legal issues in Islam is of inheritance that has always been an issue discussed in Islamic Jurisprudence and the proportion and percentage of male, female, children and others have already been mentioned. Since many Qur’anic verses deal with this issue hence this has become an issue of interest for the scholars of the Qur’anic sciences as well. A lot of research has been taken place on this issue. One of these researches is the same article of the Encyclopaedia of Islam, Leiden entitled irth (inheritance) written by Mr. David Pawurz that has almost dealt with the issue comprehensively mentioning the views of various Islamic schools of thought. But some part of the article needs to be elaborated, critically examined and criticise and the critique has mainly focus the same aspect.
Concerning the incoherency of the article, it is clear that the understanding of the certain verses of the Qur’an is not in accordance with the proper exegesis and some of the views are based on the views of Ahlu Sunnah and no attention has been paid to Shi’i Scholars’ views. And the reference of Imam ‘Ali concerning the issue of awl is not actual and similarly, abstraction of the law of inheritance either from the Christianity or Rome as has been mentioned is also not the right one.


Volume 6, Issue 11
No.11, Autumn- Winter 2012
March 2012
Pages 85-116
  • Receive Date: 29 September 2011
  • Revise Date: 03 November 2011
  • Accept Date: 31 January 2012