Assistant Professor, University of Science and Teachings of the Holy Quran, Qom, Iran
Denise Masson, a Catholic Christian and contemporary French Quranic scholar, has worked to explore the secrets, intellectual connections, and divergences between the Quran, Jewish, and Christian traditions. Among her works, she wrote “The Quran and Its Comparison with Jewish and Christian Sacred Texts.” While acknowledging the many theological similarities between Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, Masson occasionally criticizes Muslims of misinterpreting the teachings of the Quran and the Bible, particularly in terms of Trinity. Masson’s reasons for presenting the Trinity as divinely revealed are based on Old and New Testament scriptures, as well as Church Fathers’ sayings. The author of this paper has used a descriptive-analytical approach to analyze Masson’s claims. This essay’s primary goal is to evaluate and scrutinize her claims by looking at the Quran and logical evidence. The profound and profound teachings of the Holy Quran are the main source of the reasonable arguments that are discussed. The results of this study show that Masson’s arguments about the nature, essence, and irrationality of the Trinity are faulty and susceptible to serious criticism and challenge. This essay seeks to show that reason is wholly opposed to the theory of the Trinity and does not accept it in any way, as supported by the Quran and several reasonable reasons. The method of collecting information and data in this research has been library-based.
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Khub bin Khoshnazar, K. (2024). A Critique and Analysis of the Trinitarian Thought of the French Scholar Denise Masson with Emphasis on Quranic Teachings. The Qur’an from Orientalists Point of View, 19(36), 61-88. doi: 10.22034/jqopv.2024.9432
Khub bin Khoshnazar, K. . "A Critique and Analysis of the Trinitarian Thought of the French Scholar Denise Masson with Emphasis on Quranic Teachings", The Qur’an from Orientalists Point of View, 19, 36, 2024, 61-88. doi: 10.22034/jqopv.2024.9432
Khub bin Khoshnazar, K. (2024). 'A Critique and Analysis of the Trinitarian Thought of the French Scholar Denise Masson with Emphasis on Quranic Teachings', The Qur’an from Orientalists Point of View, 19(36), pp. 61-88. doi: 10.22034/jqopv.2024.9432
K. Khub bin Khoshnazar, "A Critique and Analysis of the Trinitarian Thought of the French Scholar Denise Masson with Emphasis on Quranic Teachings," The Qur’an from Orientalists Point of View, 19 36 (2024): 61-88, doi: 10.22034/jqopv.2024.9432
Khub bin Khoshnazar, K. A Critique and Analysis of the Trinitarian Thought of the French Scholar Denise Masson with Emphasis on Quranic Teachings. The Qur’an from Orientalists Point of View, 2024; 19(36): 61-88. doi: 10.22034/jqopv.2024.9432