Criticism of Margot Badran’s View on Polygamy

Document Type : Scientific Article Promotion


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Qur'an and Hadith Sciences, Shahed University, Iran

2 MA of Qur'anic Sciences, University of Qur'anic Sciences and Studies


The current research has critically analyzed Margot Badran’s opinions regarding polygamy in Islam, which are presented in her “Feminism and Quran” entry in the Leiden Encyclopedia of Quran, and explains its functions. Badran, among the so-called contemporary Islamic feminists, believes that Islam, with the “polygamy” plan, has caused the inequality of the rights of men and women and therefore the injustice of women’s rights. By criticizing the position of women in Islam, she tries to show the rights of women over men as a valuable thing, considering the prevalence of monogamy in Western societies. In criticizing this opinion, it should be said that the prevalence of mistresses and the number of sexual mistresses in the West are seriously criticized. What is seen in these societies today is similar to polygamy in the era of ignorance, in which the Holy Quran was limited to four wives, and in the next step, its permissibility is limited to the lack of fear of injustice. So, she not only did not degrade the status of women; rather, it brought her honor. Polygamy in Islam has had some effects: reduction of social anomalies, an increase of cohabitation and legitimate spouse and children, reduction of unaccompanied women and reduction of illegitimate relationships and mistresses are among its functions, which lead to the creation of a healthy society. Of course, if it causes the abuse and lust of men, this will cause the soul and dignity of women to be trampled. Examining Badran’s point of view and criticizing it by relying on the functions of polygamy in Islam explains the importance of this issue, and this also mentions the innovative aspect of the issue.


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