An Analysis of the Orientalist View on the Seven Letters


1 Associate Professor of Al-Mustafa International University

2 Razavi University of Islamic Sciences


One of the most important historical discourses in the Qur’an is the subject of the Narration of Seven Letters. Muslim scholars and orientalists have raised different views on this subject.
Ignaz Goldziher (1921), Regis Blachere (1973) and Theodor Nöldeke (1930) are celebrated orientalists who have expressed their ideas about the Narration of Seven Letters. These ideas are discussed in present article. Some discourses in this regard are “The Link between the Seven Letters and Disorder in the Text at the Time of the Prophet (s)”, “Different Qur’an Readings and the Narration of Seven Letters”, “Symbol of Muslim Salvation from Difficulties”. In retrospection, it is obvious that the Narrations of Seven Letters are questionable in authenticity and controversial in signification.


Volume 5, Issue 9
No.9, Autumn- Winter 2010
September 2010
Pages 149-170
  • Receive Date: 22 May 2010
  • Revise Date: 17 September 2010
  • Accept Date: 25 November 2010