A Critical Analysis of Alexander D. Knysh’s View on the Exegetical Methods of Ghazali and Ibn Arabi

Document Type : Original Article


1 Level 4 of the Field and Director of the Specialized Center of Islamic Sects (level 3) of Hazrat Wali Asr (AJ) of Gorgan, Iran

2 . Assistant Professor of the Department of Quranic and Hadith Sciences, Farabi Campus of Theology, University of Tehran. (Corresponding Author)

3 Department of Islamic Education, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran



Alexander D. Knysh, author of the entry “Sufism and the Quran” in the Encyclopaedia of the Quran (Leiden), discusses the exegetical methodologies of Ghazali and Ibn Arabi. Knysh compares Ghazali’s interpretation (ta’wil) to the interpretation of dreams and visions, citing the apparent content of some of his books. This viewpoint is based on the opinions of older philosophers such as Avicenna (Ibn Sina), who saw Quranic interpretation as decoding its core meaning and essence. Knysh also criticizes Ibn Arabi of failing to give a coherent interpretative method, deviating from normal text interpretation reasoning, and using the Quran to support his notion of the oneness of being (wahdat al-wujud). By referring to the works of Ghazali and Ibn Arabi and employing an explanatory-analytical method, the author concludes that Ghazali, like other mystics, saw ta’wil as transcending the outward appearance to reach the inner meaning of the text while maintaining the validity of the verses’ outward meanings, rather than simply decoding the inner meanings. Furthermore, Ibn Arabi’s interpretations are meticulous, using both scientific and intuitive ways to interpret Quranic texts. In his interpretations, he draws on the principles and criteria of mystical exegesis and, using mystical insights, develops the thesis of unity of being. After a philosophical exposition of the theory and its ramifications, he utilized it to interpret unclear verses and resolve apparent inconsistencies in the Quran, distinguishing clearly between substantiated interpretation and subjective exegesis (tafsir biray).


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