Criticism and Analysis of Commentary on Surah Kahf Verse 9 (titled Al-Ragim wa Al-Ragud)


1 Associate Professor of Al-Mustafa International University

2 Doctoral student of Quran and Hadith sciences


The author claims that due to a mistake made at the time of writing Qur’an the term al-raqim in Surah Kahf verse 9 is incorrect, misreading and it is suggested to be al-ruqud. In order to prove his claim, the author seeks to benefit from methods of correcting manuscripts and evidence. By examining his claim and presumptions, the writer’s point of view is criticized; it is at least incorrect about the Qur’an and is essentially unfounded.


Volume 6, Issue 10
No.9, Autumn- Winter 2010
September 2010
Pages 97-126
  • Receive Date: 04 April 2010
  • Revise Date: 15 April 2010
  • Accept Date: 08 May 2011