An Examination and Analysis of Joseph Haddad’s View on the Differences in the Prophet’s (PBUH) Attitudes Towards the People of the Book in Mecca and Medina

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of the History Department and Faculty Member of Zabul University, Iran



Many theories on the Holy Quran and the character of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) have been put forth by Orientalists. Among the Christian Orientalists who have attempted to portray the Prophet’s (PBUH) and the Quran’s positions toward the People of the Book in Mecca and Medina as erratic and non-principled is Joseph Durrah Haddad. According to him, the mission of the Prophet (PBUH) changed through five stages: Christian at first, then Jewish, then Israelite-Christian, then Arab nationalism, and lastly a global monotheistic. According to him, the Quranic invitation grew more broad as the Prophet’s (PBUH) experiences did. s a result, this study, which employs a descriptive-analytical method with a critical perspective and draws on library resources, aims to analyze and examine his point of view in order to elucidate the truth. It seeks to answer the following question: what are the weaknesses and shortcomings of the Prophet’s (PBUH) perspective, taking into account his actual and theoretical conduct as well as the Meccan and Medinan verses? The research findings show that, contrary to Joseph Haddad’s assertion, the Prophet’s (PBUH) sentiments and behaviors toward the People of the Book remained consistent and strategically defined during his 23-year mission in Mecca and Medina. While confirming the divine nature of their holy writings, he continually warned against textual distortions and aberrations. Consequently, the Prophet’s (PBUH) stances towards the People of the Book were a blend of wise attraction and repulsion, devoid of any emotional or sentimental actions, thus rendering Joseph Haddad’s view invalid.


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