Orientalist Methods of Tradition Research


کارشناسی ارشد تفسیر و علوم قرآن


The present article introduces the different views of orientalists about the holy Prophet’s lifestyle. It also seeks to discuss the authenticity, compilation and basis of hadiths attributed to the holy Prophet (s). Orientalists such as Goldziher and Schacht are some of the first ones to have researched and authored books on the Prophet’s lifestyle and hadiths. First, the article examines and critiques their criticisms on the Prophet’s conduct. In addition, the prophet’s individual characteristics and methods of worship are investigated.
The article concludes that their criticisms in relation to the Prophet’s conduct, his behavior, and his worship—such as fasting—do not take historical truths and the practical conduct of the Prophet (s) into consideration.


Volume 5, Issue 9
No.9, Autumn- Winter 2010
September 2010
Pages 77-96
  • Receive Date: 19 September 2010
  • Revise Date: 25 September 2010
  • Accept Date: 16 October 2010