The Critique of Orientalists’ Views on the Position of Women in Islam in Comparison with the Perspective of the Supreme Leader (May Allah Prolong His Life)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor at the Department of Quranic Sciences and Hadith, Faculty of Theology, Farabi Campus of the University of Tehran, Qom, Iran

2 Ph.D. in Quranic Sciences and Hadith, Farabi Campus of the University of Tehran, Qom, Iran (Corresponding Author):



Following feminist movements and the advocacy of women’s rights, Orientalists have reinterpreted sacred religious texts, including the Quran and Islamic texts, regarding topics such as the social, political, and economic status and rights of women, including issues like women’s creation, guardianship, polygamy, and hijab, from the perspective of the Quran and the Prophet (PBUH). Although there are differences of opinion among them, the dominant intellectual trend among Orientalists considers the Quran as a text that revives women’s rights and devoid of any gender bias, male domination, or derogatory views towards women. They strive to eliminate male dominance over women by any means possible, with or without proper religious research methods. Orientalists believe that translations and male-dominant interpretations contradict the gender equality system in the Quran. They often believe that the Quran and the Prophet (PBUH) approve of women’s presence in all social, political, and leadership dimensions. However, they commonly believe that the Quran lacks explicit verses about hijab, attributing the concept to interpretations. One of the reasons for the misunderstanding by some Orientalists is their lack of access to Shiite scholars’ opinions and sources. Therefore, explaining the perspectives of some scholars, such as the high-level thoughts of the Supreme Leader, seems essential. His Eminence believes in a noble view of women in Islam, stating that Islam, in accordance with human nature, refers to women as delicate flowers and men as the guardians, not implying women’s submissiveness but rather advocating necessary cooperation and mutual participation in life while observing moderation. Additionally, he advocates for women’s independent financial rights and emphasizes the necessity of active participation of women in various social, political, scientific, and other dimensions, provided they maintain the hijab, considering it a means of preserving and protecting women’s dignity rather than a sign of their backwardness. The Supreme Leader opposes polygamy and advocates for reconsideration and revision of some jurisprudential views concerning women. Thus, familiarizing oneself with these opinions can eliminate many ambiguities about Islam’s approach to women. This article, written using a descriptive-analytical method, not only clarifies and critiques Orientalists’ opinions but also presents the views of the Revolution’s Leader as a decisive discourse and a corrective of opinions.


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Volume 18, Issue 35 - Serial Number 35
(Registration No. 124/ 5086 Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance)
March 2024
Pages 39-74
  • Receive Date: 20 October 2023
  • Revise Date: 23 November 2023
  • Accept Date: 25 November 2023