A Critical Examination of the Article “Yusuf” in the Encyclopedia of Islam

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD in Quran and Hadith Sciences, Assistant Professor at the University of Quranic Sciences and Teachings, Mashhad, Iran (Corresponding Author);

2 PhD Candidate at Mazandaran University, Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies, Babolsar, Mazandaran Province, Iran;


Reuven Firestone divides Yusuf’s article in the Encyclopedia of Islam into two sections: Quranic and post-Quranic texts, which is very inspiring and one of the strengths of this entry. This is because the processed story of Yusuf in the post-Quranic texts, influenced by the Old Testament, Israelites, narrative of forgers, and general literature, differs significantly from the story of Yusuf in the Quran. Although Firestone mentions the difference between the story of Yusuf Siddiq in the Quran and the Old Testament, he has not been able to follow up on this difference accurately. This present study employs a descriptive-analytical method to examine and critique this article based on the Quranic reports and their explanations in authentic Islamic hadiths. Among the criticisms made on the text of the article, which are also included in the achievements of this research, it can be mentioned whether Yusuf’s brothers sold him to the caravan? Was Prophet Yaqub’s (AS) reaction to Yusuf’s separation crying and mourning? Was he unaware of Yusuf being alive? Why didn’t Yusuf Siddiq come out of prison and did request the court on the ladies’ cutting their own hands from Pharaoh after interpreting the dream of the king of Egypt? Why is there no mention of Aziz of Egypt after the confession of those women and the beloved wife of Egypt about Yusuf’s innocence in the presence of the king of Egypt, and the king of Egypt chooses Yusuf Siddiq instead of him? Is Yusuf still Aziz of Egypt after the migration of the family of Yaqub to Egypt? If Yusuf is the ruler (king) of Egypt at this time, why didn’t his father, mother, and brothers prostrate to him; instead, according to the customs and traditions of the court of kings, the servants of the Egyptian court prostrated and paid respect to Yusuf, his father, and mother when they sat on the throne (“He raised his parents onto the throne”)?


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Volume 18, Issue 34 - Serial Number 34
(Registration No. 124/ 5086 Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance) Volume 34, Spring and Summer 2023
September 2023
Pages 225-256
  • Receive Date: 26 November 2022
  • Revise Date: 13 December 2022
  • Accept Date: 21 June 2023