A Critical Analysis of the Article on the Personality of the Holy Prophet (P) in the Leiden Quran Encyclopedia

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty Member, Department of Quran Interpretation and Sciences, Higher Complex of Quran and Hadith, Al-Mustafa International University, Qom, Iran


The personality and life of the last prophet (P) as the last prophet of God who became the source of great changes in the world, has always been the focus of orientalists, but Mr. Uri Rubin’s picture of the character of the Holy Prophet (P) in Leiden Quranic Encyclopaedia in part of the article on Mohammad (P) in many cases is significantly different from the picture presented by Muslim historians. Therefore, this article has discussed Uri Rubin’s views using the descriptive-analytical method with a critical approach. The findings of the research indicate that the reason for Uri Rubin’s lack of success in presenting the correct image, in addition to his religious, political and scientific insight, is due to his method of studying the issues of Islamic history. It seems that the author of the article “Mohammad” in the encyclopedia was not very successful due to not having a suitable method for analyzing the events and currents of the era of the beloved Prophet. In this article, the most important weaknesses of the above article, such as incorrect assumptions about Islam and the personality of the Prophet of Islam (P), not referring to Shia sources, excessive trust in the writings of Orientalists, relying on the theory of Sunni scholars and not referring to Shia sources are examined and analyzed


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  1. Tel Aviv University Website in Israel:


  1. Professor Uri Rubin’s Personal Website:
  2. http://www.urirubin.com/Publications.