An Examining the Foundations of Orientalist Quranic Studies and Their Impact on Islamic and Quranic Studies in Islamic Societies (with Emphasis on the Subcontinent - Pakistan)

Document Type : Original Article


1 . PhD in the Field of Quran and Orientalism, Quran and Hadith Higher Education Complex, Al-Mustafa International University. (Pakistan) (Corresponding Author):

2 .Associate Professor and Faculty Member of Imam Sadiq University (AS), Tehran, Iran



Examining and analyzing the foundations and presuppositions of Pakistani Muslim Quranic scholars through an Orientalist lens, given the significant population and status of Muslims in Pakistan, constitutes a critical and essential discourse in the field of Quranic studies. Consequently, this study endeavors to scrutinize the foundational views of Orientalists concerning the Holy Quran and to critically assess their accuracy and validity. The importance and relevance of this topic motivated researchers to employ a descriptive-analytical approach, utilizing Quranic revelations and the exegeses of interpreters, to elucidate and critique the foundations of Orientalist Quranic studies and their impact on Islamic scholarship in Pakistan. The research findings reveal that the most significant and fundamental premises of Orientalists in Islamic studies, particularly in Quranic studies, include: questioning the divine nature of the Quran or proposing its human origin, providing scientific interpretations of Quranic miracles, viewing Islam as a religion confined to a specific ethnic group, perceiving Islamic rulings as pertinent only to a particular historical period, and invalidating Islamic narrations concerning the history of Islam and the Quran. These aforementeioned foundations of Orientalists have a substantial influence on their views, perspectives, positions, and conclusions and have profound implications for Quranic studies in Pakistan.


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