The present study examines and criticizes Goldziher’s views on the issue of comprehensiveness and universality of the Holy Quran. He considers the idea of the spread of Islam after the revelation and invitation of the Prophet (P) to be limited to Saudi Arabia and the scope of reciting the Quran to the Arab tribes. According to Goldziher, the prophetic mission was not motivated by globalization from the beginning, and the idea of spreading Islam is related to the efforts of future Muslims. Since he believes in the role of the Prophet (P) in compiling the text of the Quran, and the influence of the Quran on the culture of the time, he criticizes the comprehensiveness and universality of the Quran. His influence on the Jewish presuppositions and thoughts of Theodore Noldeke, who also pays little attention to Shiite sources of criticism of his method of work. Based on the verses of the Holy Quran, narrations and historical evidence, the contradictions of Goldziher’s views have been explained. The research method is descriptive and analytical.
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Alimoradi, Z. (2021). 'Critique of Goldziher's view of the comprehensiveness and being worldly of the Holy Quran', The Qur’an from Orientalists Point of View, 16(30), pp. 236-268. doi: 10.22034/qkh.2021.5954
Z. Alimoradi, "Critique of Goldziher's view of the comprehensiveness and being worldly of the Holy Quran," The Qur’an from Orientalists Point of View, 16 30 (2021): 236-268, doi: 10.22034/qkh.2021.5954
Alimoradi, Z. Critique of Goldziher's view of the comprehensiveness and being worldly of the Holy Quran. The Qur’an from Orientalists Point of View, 2021; 16(30): 236-268. doi: 10.22034/qkh.2021.5954