An Investigating the Equivalents of ‘Lam’ and ‘Lamma’ in Russian Translation of the Holy Quran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Russian Language, Guilan University, Rasht, Iran:

2 Associate Professor, Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies, Mazandaran University, Babolsar, Iran

3 Doctoral student of Quran and Hadith Sciences, Mazandaran University, Babolsar, Iran


Russian Islamologists have long paid attention to the translation of the Holy Quran, and the translation of the Holy Quran into Russian is for three hundred years ago. In the translations of the Holy Quran, the transmission of various grammatical-semantic elements is of great importance. One of these elements is the aspect of the verb. Aspect refers to one of the characteristics of the verb tense that shows how it occurs in one of the three tenses and it is necessary to pay attention to it in translation. One of the means of expression of the aspect in Arabic is ‘lam’ and ‘lamma’ which comes from the present tense verb and changes its meaning to the negative past tense. Depending on the context of the sentence, it includes various semantic applications such as continuity and stability, occurrence and completion, and so on. In this article, the reflection of ‘lam’ and ‘lamma’ in four Russian translations of the Holy Quran by Nouri Osmanov, Elmir Kuliev, Valeria Porokhova, and Ignaty Krachkovsky has been studied with a descriptive-analytical method. All of the above translations have shortcomings in the expression derived from ‘lam’ and ‘lamma’. Therefore, at the end of each verse, a suggested translation is provided


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