Criticism of Amina Wadud’s views on the interpretation of hijab verses (chastity and hijab avoidance)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty Member of the Research Institute of Islamic Culture and Thought:(Corresponding Author)

2 Deputy Director of Research at Kausar Seminary Institute for Higher Education in Qazvin, Level 4 Student of Masumiyyah Seminary Institute for Higher Education in Qom: Comparative Exegesis


Opposition to women’s hijab based on the importance of chastity has been promoted for some time among some new Muslim thinkers, especially Islamic feminisms. Among them is Amina Wadud, an American Christian who became a Muslim and a professor at the University of Virginia, in the book “Quran and Woman”. In this book - which is also his doctoral dissertation at the University of Michigan, America - she claims that the type of clothing in the present era is based on the patriarchal view of women and from the cultural determinism of societies. From her point of view, the Quran did not intend to legislate hijab; rather, these verses are stories about the popular culture of the descent era to show the importance of women’s social presence along with chastity. In this article, the author has tried to criticize the foundations and results obtained by Amina Wadud in the theory of chastity. By studying and extracting the basics of Amina Wadud in the book “Quran and Woman” and analyzing it in a descriptive-analytical critical method, it was found that in the basics of Wadud there are things such as interpreting the Quran without the Sunnah, establishing monotheistic hermeneutics, modernism and the necessity of contemporary readings, belief Gender equality plays an important role in presenting the theory of chastity and hijab avoidance; by criticizing the foundations and correct interpretation of the hijab verses, the theory of the jurists and commentators of the two major Islamic according to the verses of strengthening the hijab and being satisfied with chastity without the obligation to wear the hijab was criticized.


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