A Critical Analysis of the Correction of the Term “Utruk” in Surah Ad-Dukhan by James Bellamy

Document Type : Original Article


Professor at the Faculty of Theology, University of Tehran, Iran



Various Orientalists have examined the Quran from different perspectives over different periods. One of the relatively recent topics addressed and scrutinized in contemporary times is the alteration and replacement of certain Quranic words due to perceived errors and mistakes—according to them—in the Uthmanic codex. James Andrew Bellamy has proposed the theory that a number of Quranic words (he claims 30 words) have been incorrectly transcribed. He then examined and criticized them, assuming and subsequently correcting these supposed errors. One such case is the word “Utruk” in verse 24 of Surah Ad-Dukhan. Bellamy claims that due to a scribe’s mistake, this word has been altered and corrupted, suggesting that the correct word (according to him) should be “Anzil”, which he proposes should replace the current term in the Quran. Bellamy’s theory is based on the idea that the Quran’s transcription takes precedence over its oral recitation based on historical precedence. However, he does not provide any historical evidence or documentation to support his claim. This research critically examines Bellamy’s viewpoint using a descriptive-analytical method. Ultimately, it refutes and contradicts the correctness of the Quranic term “Utruk” and Bellamy’s misconception about the occurrence of an error in the Quranic text, as well as the basis of the dominance of transcription over its oral recitation


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Volume 18, Issue 35 - Serial Number 35
(Registration No. 124/ 5086 Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance)
March 2024
Pages 203-232
  • Receive Date: 11 March 2023
  • Revise Date: 04 August 2023
  • Accept Date: 16 November 2023