A Study of the Philosophical Hermeneutics of Orientalists’ Followers

Document Type : Original Article


Secretary of the Journal of Quran Recitation Studies


Orientalists’ followers who tie their horizons of thought to the Orientalists and use their foundations, methods and tendencies to deduce, give value to philosophical hermeneutics for reading and understanding texts and view the text as the dialogue of the object (text) and subject (interpreter), combine them with historical hypotheses historical presupposes. So, we have tried with descriptive – analytical method to explain the viewpoints of Orientalists’ followers like Soroush, Shabistani, Abu Zayd, and Fazlur Rahman in accordance the philosophical hermeneutics, to criticize the plurality in meaning and its fluidity in other words, its cognitive relativism and its usage by the Orientalists is regarded incompatible with the Islamic interpretive tradition in understanding the texts of revelation


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