Mahdaviyat from the view point of Eastern experts and Western religious scholars


1 کارشناسی ارشد علوم قران و حدیث

2 استادیار گروه الهیات دانشگاه رازی کرمانشاه


Amongst the eternal and universal teachings of Islam, nothing is more deliverable than the Mahdavi government especially, in today's world. It is a government that will implement peace and Justice even for non-Muslims. In this article, we have mentioned some of the famous orientalists such as Henry Korbin, James Darmesteter, Gerolf van Vloten, Edward Brown, Ignác Goldziher, David Samuel Margoliouth, Joseph Arthur de Gobineau, William Rowan Hamilto, Annemarie Schimmel ideas about Mahdaviyat and their influences and opinions on this issue have been dealt with


Volume 9, Issue 17
Volume 17, autumn-winter 2015
March 2015
Pages 163-190
  • Receive Date: 30 September 2013
  • Revise Date: 17 December 2013
  • Accept Date: 20 February 2015