A review of Tamara Sonn's article 'introducing'



The book under the title of 'The Blackwell Companion to the Quran' contains various articles by leading figures. The article 'introducing' written by Tamara Sonn constitutes the first essay of the very book. This printed work is one of the prevalent curricula of the Islamic sciences in western universities. Tamara Sonn, in his article, has dealt with the following general themes: structure of the text, voice and audience, history of the text, the relationship of the Quran to other Scriptures, themes of the Quran, role of the Quran in Islamic life: ritual and art, the Quran in law, the principles and practice of Qur’ānic interpretation. The paper after offering a report from its translation and calling attention to its positives and negatives reviews Sonn’s work in terms of its contents and structure. The author has also highlighted the difference of opinion Sonn and the Shiite exegetes have with each other. In general, he studies Sonn's views critically and provides due answers for nine cases he has dealt with in his article.
