A Methodological Study of “The Contemporary Interpretation of the Holy Quran” [“The Study Quran”]

Document Type : Original Article


Full Professor of Al-Mustafa international university


The Orientalists’ movement of Quranic studies from the 12th century onwards has had three distinct periods; the first concentrated on the critique of the Quran, the second one accompanied by a colonial and evangelical movements, and the third had a scientific mask. “The Contemporary Interpretation of the Holy Quran” (The Study Quran) in recent years by several American orientalists and edited by Dr. Seyyed Hossein Nasr in eight volumes as the first volume (including Surah Hamad, Baqarah, A’le-Imran) has been translated into Persian and published is included in the third category.
The methodological critique of this work is discussed in this article. First, the strengths of this work, including: the original English language [not translation] and its fluent translation and defense of the revelation of the Quran, are expressed here, then dealt to criticize the principles, interpretive method and mystical approach, as well as the authors’ positions on religious pluralism, diluting verses against Judaism and Christianity and darkening the verses of Ahl al-Bayt (A.S), the Shiite view and the miracle of the Quran. Finally, this book has been considered as the cause of the abandonment of the Quran in the current era, especially in Western societiesIn this article, the methodological critique of this work is discussed. First, the strengths of this work, including: the original English language and its fluent translation and defense of the revelation of the Qur'an, are expressed, then criticizing the principles, interpretive method and mystical approach, as well as the authors' positions on religious pluralism, diluting verses against Judaism and Christianity. Also, the verses of Ahl al-Bayt, the Shiite view and the miracle of the Qur'an have been diminished. Finally, this book has been considered as the cause of the abandonment of the Qur'an in the present age, especially in Western societies.


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