An Evaluation of Claude Gilliot’s Article “The Beginning of Quranic Exegesis”

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor at the Departments of Farabi Campus, University of Tehran, Qom, Iran (Corresponding Author)

2 M. A. in Qur'an and Hadith Sciences, College of Farabi, University of Tehran



Claude Gilliot, a professor at the University of Provence and senior editor of the Encyclopedia of the Quran, Leiden, is well-versed in the field of the history of exegesis and has authored numerous works. This present article evaluates Claude Gilliot’s perspectives in his article “The Beginning of Quranic Exegesis.” In this particular article, the author explores matters related to the period of the formation of Quranic exegesis and its scholarly phase. According to him, history and literature contribute to the solidity and scientific credibility of the interpreted knowledge. He delves into topics such as the commencement of exegesis from the perspectives of Muslims and Orientalists, the prohibition of interpretation, and the position of Ibn Abbas and the leading Islamic exegetes from the standpoint of Orientalists. This research attempts to analyze the content, methodology, and sources of the aforementioned article using a descriptive-analytical approach. This study demonstrates that due to intervening presuppositions, methodological flaws, and the reliability of sources, the author has encountered strategic errors in his works compared to other Orientalists.


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Volume 18, Issue 35 - Serial Number 35
(Registration No. 124/ 5086 Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance)
March 2024
Pages 281-304
  • Receive Date: 05 February 2023
  • Revise Date: 10 May 2023
  • Accept Date: 12 August 2023