A Comparative Study of Three English Translations of Sūrat al-Māʿūn by Umm Mohammad, B.A. Irving, and Thomas Cleary

Document Type : Scientific Article Promotion


1 . Assistant Professor, Department of Quranic Studies and Orientalists, Al-Mustafa International University and Researcher at Al-Mustafa International Research Institute, Afghanistan;

2 Graduate Student, Quran and Orientalists Program, Specialized Center for Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (A) Qom, Iran, “Corresponding Author”



The translation of the Qur’an into various languages, particularly English, by both new Muslims and non-Muslims, has played a significant role in introducing Islamic teachings to a global audience. These translations, influenced by the cultural and religious backgrounds of the translators, can exhibit notable differences in conveying Qur’anic concepts. The importance of examining such translations lies in the fact that, despite their similar appearance, semantic and linguistic differences can impact the understanding and interpretation of the audience. The primary focus of this research is to analyze three English translations of Sūrat al-Māʿūn by Umm Mohammad, B.A. Irving, and Thomas Cleary, identifying their differences, and explaining and analyzing their strengths and weaknesses. To achieve this, a comparative analysis method based on criteria such as accuracy in conveying meaning, writing style, and fidelity to the original text has been employed. Accordingly, the literary and stylistic features of each translation are first examined under the relevant verses, and then, through a comparison of the three translations, the best and most suitable translation is selected. The findings of this study indicate that Umm Mohammad’s translation excels in accurately reflecting the precise meanings of Qur’anic words and concepts, though its language is relatively complex. B.A. Irving’s translation tends toward fluency and simplicity but lacks semantic precision in some instances. Thomas Cleary’s translation successfully balances accuracy and ease of understanding for English-speaking audiences, though it occasionally leans toward interpretive approaches.


Main Subjects

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