Criticism of Orientalists’ Suspicions about Violence in the Verses of Jihad

Document Type : Original Article



Jihad is one of the branches of religion that became obligatory in Madinah and the Holy Quran recommended Muslims to it. Orientalists have introduced the book of violence and the religion of Islam as the religion of the sword without paying attention and analyzing the nature, philosophy and works of the Quran. The main problem of the research is that what are the appropriate answers to the doubt of some orientalists (including Revan Firestone, Bernard Lewis, Rizway Pfizer, Theodore Noldeke, etc.) regarding the existence of violence in the context of Jihad in Islam? The method of this research is analytical-descriptive and critical. The research aims to provide appropriate answers to the above question, taking into account the goals of the Islamic religion and Quranic concepts. The important findings of the research are reported as follows. The objectives of Islam are based on peace and tranquility, and numerous verses indicate the call for peace and peaceful coexistence with other religions, as well as divine-wide mercy. Historical examples such as the 13-year presence of Muslims in Mecca, as well as the peace of Hudaybiyah and the conquest of Mecca, are evidence of the claim that war and jihad in the era of the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) had all defensive aspects, and also the effects of time and place in the rulings of jihad prove peace-oriented in the field of Jihad


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