Analysis of the article ‘Usury’ in the Leiden Encyclopedia of Quran


1 Associate Professor of Al-Mustafa International University

2 Educated P.H.D of Usul al-Din Faculty


The article Usury is one of the articles of Leiden encyclopedia that Masud al-alam Chowzri has written. The writer in his article has endeavored to find out a general Qur’anic perspective on Usury and is of the opinion that religion and economics both have paid attention to this concept. Therefore, it prohibition in the qur’an has been presented with warning and predicting a difficult time. In this paper, we have endeavored to focus on writer’s positive points and have critically analyzed his shortcoming and have dealt with its etiological aspect in the Qur’an. Usury and its use is similar to suppression, consumption of illegal property, infidelity and apostasy, and it is a hindrance in the way of development and progress and its consumption is equal to fighting God and His prophet


Volume 9, Issue 17
Volume 17, autumn-winter 2015
March 2015
Pages 89-112
  • Receive Date: 04 April 2012
  • Revise Date: 17 September 2013
  • Accept Date: 10 January 2015