The Orientalist researchers of the Quran have compiled a lot of works in order to interpret the Quran, but the complete interpretation of the Quran by Muslims in the West is very limited. One of the worthy research works is the book of Tafsir “the Study Quran”, written by Muslims either living in West or are native; which is being translated into Persian under the title of “The Contemporary Interpretation”. One volume of which has been published till now. Of course, in the current critique, the original book, which is in English, has been considered, not its [Persian] translation. So, in any part of the critique, we will not mention its [Persian] translation nor will refer to it. In addition, the critique is related to the interpretation of the Perfection [Ikma-e-Din] verse. While the first volume has been translated, there are few volumes remained yet to reach Surah Ma'idah and the verse of perfection. The choice of interpretation of the verse of perfection from the above exegesis will be mentioned forth. This interpretation, in addition to having advantages and strengths, also has considerations remarked forth in this research.
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Muslimifar, A. and Amini Tehrani, M. (2021). A Critique of the Interpretation of the Perfection [Ikma-e-Din] Verse from “The Study Quran”. The Qur’an from Orientalists Point of View, 16(30), 139-162. doi: 10.22034/qkh.2021.5950
Muslimifar, A. , and Amini Tehrani, M. . "A Critique of the Interpretation of the Perfection [Ikma-e-Din] Verse from “The Study Quran”", The Qur’an from Orientalists Point of View, 16, 30, 2021, 139-162. doi: 10.22034/qkh.2021.5950
Muslimifar, A., Amini Tehrani, M. (2021). 'A Critique of the Interpretation of the Perfection [Ikma-e-Din] Verse from “The Study Quran”', The Qur’an from Orientalists Point of View, 16(30), pp. 139-162. doi: 10.22034/qkh.2021.5950
A. Muslimifar and M. Amini Tehrani, "A Critique of the Interpretation of the Perfection [Ikma-e-Din] Verse from “The Study Quran”," The Qur’an from Orientalists Point of View, 16 30 (2021): 139-162, doi: 10.22034/qkh.2021.5950
Muslimifar, A., Amini Tehrani, M. A Critique of the Interpretation of the Perfection [Ikma-e-Din] Verse from “The Study Quran”. The Qur’an from Orientalists Point of View, 2021; 16(30): 139-162. doi: 10.22034/qkh.2021.5950