Gabriel Said Reynolds in the article “Quranic Doublets: A Preliminary Research” analyzed repeated phrases or “doublets” in the Quran. Based on the criteria he determines, he identifies 29 doublets (or triplets) in the Quran, of which only three doublets are Meccan-Madani, and all the rest are Meccan-Meccan or Madani-Madani. Considering the very small number of Meccan-Madani doublets and using the experience of similar research in the Gospels, he concludes that the twenty-nine doublets refer to the process of writing the Quran and are the result of the edits made in the text of the Quran after the time of the Prophet (P) and before agreement on the official text of the Quran is based on a Meccan source and an independent Madani source. This research, which was carried out by the library and document method, seeks to find a reasoned and documented answer to resolve the aforementioned doubt regarding the repetition of Quranic verses. After examining the views and arguments of Reynolds in the Seventeen axis, the authors have made a fair criticism of them from three methodological, historical and documentative perspectives, the most important of which is historical criticism, using reliable sources. This research finally proves that the Quranic doublets do not lead us to what Reynolds claims; rather, each of them has been used in expressing a specific matter, to guide people
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Nobari, A. and Mirmoradi, S. S. (2022). Critical Analysis of the Article “Quranic Doublets”. The Qur’an from Orientalists Point of View, 17(32), 119-150. doi: 10.22034/qkh.2022.7175
Nobari, A. , and Mirmoradi, S. S. . "Critical Analysis of the Article “Quranic Doublets”", The Qur’an from Orientalists Point of View, 17, 32, 2022, 119-150. doi: 10.22034/qkh.2022.7175
Nobari, A., Mirmoradi, S. S. (2022). 'Critical Analysis of the Article “Quranic Doublets”', The Qur’an from Orientalists Point of View, 17(32), pp. 119-150. doi: 10.22034/qkh.2022.7175
A. Nobari and S. S. Mirmoradi, "Critical Analysis of the Article “Quranic Doublets”," The Qur’an from Orientalists Point of View, 17 32 (2022): 119-150, doi: 10.22034/qkh.2022.7175
Nobari, A., Mirmoradi, S. S. Critical Analysis of the Article “Quranic Doublets”. The Qur’an from Orientalists Point of View, 2022; 17(32): 119-150. doi: 10.22034/qkh.2022.7175