Ahmad Hashemi ‘Ali Abadi, Sayyed
Evaluation of the Qur’anic articles of the Americana encyclopedia [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2015, Pages 9-30]
Ahmadi Far, Mustafa
Orientalists’ approach to abrogation in the Qur’an [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2014, Pages 37-52]
Akbar Farahi Bakhshayesh, Ali
The Compatibility of the Qur’an and natural sciences from the Orientalists’ viewpoint [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2014, Pages 109-146]
Emami, Muhammad
Orientalists’ approach to abrogation in the Qur’an [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2014, Pages 37-52]
Fardwan Khurasani, Munira
Mahdaviyat from the view point of Eastern experts and Western religious scholars [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2015, Pages 163-190]
Ghulami, Abdullah
Converted Orientalists [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2014, Pages 147-177]
Gulami, Abdullah
Mahdaviyat from the view point of Eastern experts and Western religious scholars [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2015, Pages 163-190]
Ismi Qiyabash, Samad
Analysis of the article ‘Usury’ in the Leiden Encyclopedia of Quran [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2015, Pages 89-112]
Jalali Kanduri, Suhaila
Critical analysis of Avner Giladi perspective on the "Guardianship" in the Leiden Qur’anic Encyclopedia [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2015, Pages 113-134]
Javad Eskandarloo, Muhammad
Analysis of the article ‘Usury’ in the Leiden Encyclopedia of Quran [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2015, Pages 89-112]
JawadEskandarloo, Muhammad
The Critical Review of Robson’s article "criticism of Hadith” in the Encyclopedia of Islam [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2014, Pages 67-84]
Kazim Shakir, Muhammad
Analytical review of phenomenological study of Watt from the Qur’anic revelation and prophethood of the Prophet Muhammad [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2014, Pages 9-35]
Mohasis, Mardhiya
Critical analysis of Avner Giladi perspective on the "Guardianship" in the Leiden Qur’anic Encyclopedia [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2015, Pages 113-134]
Muhammad Musavi Muqaddam, Sayed
Analytical review of phenomenological study of Watt from the Qur’anic revelation and prophethood of the Prophet Muhammad [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2014, Pages 9-35]
Muhammady, Javad
Evaluation of the researches of Jane Dammen McAuliffe [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2015, Pages 31-52]
Qandali, Fatema
Critical analysis of the article ‘ambiguous’ in the leiden Qur’anic Encyclopedia [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2015, Pages 135-161]
Redha Baqi, Abdul
Contemplation on the meaning of revelation of orientalist perspective [Volume 9, Issue 17, 2015, Pages 53-88]
Rezaee Haftadour, Hasan
Critical Review of Schock’s Study regarding Adam and Eve [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2014, Pages 53-66]
RustamNejad, Mahdi
The Critical Review of Robson’s article "criticism of Hadith” in the Encyclopedia of Islam [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2014, Pages 67-84]
TaqiDayari Bidguli, Muhammad
An examination of the Orientalists’ view of Prophet’s marriage with Zainab [Volume 9, Issue 16, 2014, Pages 85-108]
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