The Typology and Critique of Orientalists’ Views on the Compilation of the Quran

Document Type : Original Article


1 . MA, Quranic and Hadith Sciences, Theology of Islamic Sciences and Guidance, Imam Sadiq (Peace Be Upon Him), Tehran, Iran (Corresponding Author)

2 Associate Professor . Associate Professor, Quranic Sciences, Sciences and Education of the Holy Quran, Tehran, Iran



The Holy Quran was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) gradually over a span of 23 years. Historical records suggest that the Prophet was meticulous in the compilation and documentation of the Quran from its inception. Subsequent to his passing, discussions emerged among Muslim scholars concerning the methodology of the Quran’s compilation, an issue that continues to be debated in contemporary scholarship. There are two predominant interpretations regarding the compilation of the Quran: one posits that it was compiled during the lifetime of the Prophet (PBUH), while the other suggests that it occurred posthumously. Since the early 19th century, orientalists have also engaged in Quranic studies, offering diverse perspectives on the subject. The first orientalist to extensively examine this topic was Theodor Nöldeke, a German scholar, in his work “History of the Quran.” This was followed by numerous studies from both other orientalists and Muslim scholars alike in this domain. The current study’s key concern is how to categorize and typologize orientalists’ perspectives on the Quran’s compilation, as well as what objections can be thrown at their theories. Using a descriptive-analytical method, it was briefly concluded that orientalists have five prevalent theories about the compilation of the Quran, each with several flaws such as insufficient evidence, a lack of thorough research in Islamic sources, partial interpretation of sources, historical inaccuracies, and so on.


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