A Critical Analysis of the Entry “Pain and Suffering” in the Encyclopaedia of the Quran Leiden (EQ)

Document Type : Original Article


1 . Ph.D Candidate of Quran and Hadith Sciences, Arak University, Arak, Iran (Corresponding Author)

2 . Assistant Professor, Department of Quran and Hadith Sciences, Arak University, Arak, Iran



The entry titled “Pain and Suffering,” authored by Margaretha T. Heemskerk, is published in the Encyclopaedia of the Quran Leiden. It has been organized into five sections, addressing the concepts of pain and suffering as presented in the Quran, in Hadith, and through the lenses of Mu’tazilites, Ash’arites, and mystics. This research employs a descriptive-analytical methodology with the objective of making the authentic teachings of Islam accessible to the public and clarifying the perspectives of Orientalists on religious doctrines, particularly those issues related to the Quran. The study critically assesses Heemskerk’s interpretations of pain and suffering, utilizing credible Islamic sources. The results suggest that although Heemskerk aims to represent Muslim perspectives, she neglects to cite essential Islamic sources, notably Shi’a tafsir and narrational literature. Furthermore, her interpretations stem from a superficial and limited examination of Quranic verses and aim to elucidate the theological beliefs of the Mu’tazilites, Ash’arites, and mystics regarding pain and suffering. The analysis concludes that Hemskerk’s compilation is unscientific, quoting incomplete statements and citing some obscure opinions, thereby lacking impartiality.


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