Doubts on Quran, Dr. Soha, Soha’s Assumptions, Obstacles to Women’s Freedom, Orientalists.

Document Type : Original Article


. Assistant Professor, Department of Quran and Sciences (Management Orientation), Al-Mustafa International University, from Afghanistan;


The Quran, as a divine source, contains strategic teachings in all aspects of life. Detractors have always raised doubts, based on prejudice, ignorance, and sometimes a lack of understanding of the verses, in order to silence its light. Recently, Dr. Soha has raised various doubts and objections, including the obstacles to women’s freedom, in a book entitled “Criticism of the Quran” consisting of 23 chapters. The negative and destructive outcomes of this work led the author to critically analyze Dr. Soha’s assumptions about the obstacles to women’s freedom in the Quran using a descriptive-analytical approach with a critical perspective and based on reliable linguistic, contextual, and interpretive sources. The research findings indicate that the raised doubts are based on sensory thoughts accompanied by fallacies, skepticism, defamation, false attributions, distorted proportions, and lack of solid arguments based on scientific and rational methods with the aim of challenging the eternity and authenticity of revelation and undermining its authority. It also became clear that the effort to institutionalize irreligiosity, hostility towards truth, falling into the trap of idealistic perspectives, and reviving humanistic and feminist ideologies in politics are evident. Therefore, this research has portrayed the weaknesses and groundlessness of the perspectives, thoughts, claims, and actions presented in the realm of obstacles to women’s freedom, demonstrating that Dr. Soha has raised such doubts due to the influence of Orientalists such as Gustave Le Bon, David Powers, Margot Badran, Ruth Roded, Owner Giladi, Barbara, Harald Motzki, etc., as well as due to the lack of interconnection between verses and having negative preconceptions and a lack of precise understanding of the reasons and purposes of the verses.


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Volume 18, Issue 34 - Serial Number 34
(Registration No. 124/ 5086 Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance) Volume 34, Spring and Summer 2023
September 2023
Pages 89-116
  • Receive Date: 21 September 2023
  • Accept Date: 21 September 2023