The Critique of Orientalists’ Viewpoint Concerning the Quotation of Quran

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant professor of Islamic teachings department Farhangiyan university, Tehran, Iran


Revelation in Islam is the main basis of religious teachings and is the source of all human sciences, wisdom, and guidance. Being revelatory of the Quranic text is one of the important issues of revelation and according to the Muslims, the only source of revelation and verses of the Holy Quran, in word and meaning, is Almighty God. One of the suspicions of orientalists regarding the text of the Quran is that it is not revealed from God and they express this suspicion in different ways. Some orientalists consider the Quran to be derived from Jewish and Christian culture as well as the content of their books. Parts of it are taken from the same geographical area and social, religious, and cultural life of the Arabian Peninsula, and the other parts are taken from Judaism and Christianity and the beliefs and customs of other nations. Thus, they deny the revelation of the Quran and mention various non-divine sources for it. But the historical evidence and verses of the Quran indicate that Quranic revelation is based on the power of the unseen world and that the Prophet (P) did not interfere in it.


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