نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی
1 * دانشیار جامعة المصطفی العالمیة و عضو هیئت علمی پاره وقت مرکز پژوهشی قرآن کریم المهدی
2 دانشگاه جامعة المصطفی
عنوان مقاله [English]
نویسندگان [English]
One of the new issues of Qur’anic research in the two epistemological fields of the Islamic world and the Western world is the issue of the Qur'an’s impressionability from the culture of the time. In the meantime, Orientalists, after accepting consciously or unconsciously the hypothesis of the Qur'an being human, have attempt to find a human and natural explanation of this strange phenomenon and finding worldly sources for it. This issue became more and more popular among Western Islamic researchers in the 19th century. The present article seeks to study the historical course and explain the theory of the Qur’an’s impressionability from the culture of the time, using a descriptive-analytical method, with a critical approach with the collection and analysis of organized information and the most important claims of this theory, including: Hajj Rituals, Kissing the Kaaba(Black Stone) and so on. in the author's opinion, the above-mentioned cases are in conflict with Islamic religious thought, and each of these alleged cases faces serious problems. The findings of this study show that Western scholars and orientalists, based on these similarities of the Qur'an with the culture of the pre-Islamic era, have made existing hypotheses about the sources of the Holy Qur'an that none of them are not accepted by Muslims.
کلیدواژهها [English]
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