Afzali, Mohammad Ali
A study of the subject of "exaggeration" in Oliver Lyman's Qur'anic Encyclopedia [Volume 15, Issue 29, 2021, Pages 270-292]
Alavi Mehr, Hussain
A Critical Analysis of Andrew Repin's Article “Camel or Rope” [Volume 15, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 47-66]
Alavi Mehr, Hussain
A Study of the Theory of the Prophetic Experience of Revelation, Yousef Darreh Haddad [Volume 15, Issue 29, 2021, Pages 10-38]
Alawi, hosain
A Study of the Most Important Foundations of Qur'anic Research Orientalists (with Emphasis on American Qur'anic Scholars) [Volume 15, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 9-28]
Ali Rezaee Isfahani, Mohammad
Critical study of the book “HOSN AL-EIJAAZ FI EBTAALEL EAJAAZ [Volume 15, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 67-86]
Amini, Nowruz
A critique of John Wensbrough's theory based on the formulation of the Qur'an in the third century [Volume 15, Issue 29, 2021, Pages 119-154]
Basirat, Mohammad yasin
Critique of Orientalist Analysis, about Twelver Shi’a Beliefs [Volume 15, Issue 29, 2021, Pages 155-174]
Bouazar, Haitham
Review of the article "Quran and Science" from Oliver Lyman's encyclopedia [Volume 15, Issue 29, 2021, Pages 233-254]
Elahi, Abbas
Critique of Firestone’s Article “Abraham” (A.S.) [Volume 15, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 165-186]
Fatemeh :, Moradi
Review of the article of Ali Ibn Abi Talib (AS) from Leiden Encyclopedia of the Quran
Ali Ghanei: [Volume 15, Issue 29, 2021, Pages 175-202]
Fattahizadeh, Fathiyah
An examination of Rainer Brunner's view of distortion from the point of view of the two sect (Shiites and Sunnis) [Volume 15, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 127-142]
Ghanei, Ali :
Review of the article of Ali Ibn Abi Talib (AS) from Leiden Encyclopedia of the Quran
Ali Ghanei: [Volume 15, Issue 29, 2021, Pages 175-202]
Gharamaleki, Ali Karimpour
Critique of Orientalist Analysis, about Twelver Shi’a Beliefs [Volume 15, Issue 29, 2021, Pages 155-174]
Habibollah, Mehdi
An Assessment of the Sources of the Article "Hajjah al-Wida’ [Farewell Hajj]" in Leiden Encyclopedia of Qur’an [Volume 15, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 143-164]
Habibollah, Mehdi
Critique of the Influential Perspective of Judaism and Christianity on Islam, Harald Suerman [Volume 15, Issue 29, 2021, Pages 95-118]
Hosseinipour, Sayyed Muhammad
A Critical Analysis of Andrew Repin's Article “Camel or Rope” [Volume 15, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 47-66]
Iskandarloo, Mohammad Javad
Critique of Orientalists' theory of the Qur’an’s impressionability from the culture of the time [Volume 15, Issue 29, 2021, Pages 65-92]
Javad Eskandarloo, Muhammad
A Study of the Most Important Foundations of Qur'anic Research Orientalists (with Emphasis on American Qur'anic Scholars) [Volume 15, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 9-28]
Mohammadi, Mohammad Hussein
Critique of the article Myths and Stories in the Quran EQ [Volume 15, Issue 29, 2021, Pages 39-64]
Mohsen, Khoshfar
Investigation of "Numbers" article in Oliver Lyman's Encyclopedia of the Quran [Volume 15, Issue 29, 2021, Pages 255-270]
Rezaee Haftador, Hasan
Evaluation of Qur'anic opinions of some contemporary orientalists [Volume 15, Issue 29, 2021, Pages 293-318]
Rezaee Isfahani, Mohammad Ali
Review of the article "Quran and Science" from Oliver Lyman's encyclopedia [Volume 15, Issue 29, 2021, Pages 233-254]
Rezaei Zarandini, Hassan Reza
Critique of the Qur'anic Adaptation of the Findings of Aristotle and Galen on the Stages of Embryonic Development [Volume 15, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 103-126]
Riahi Mehr, Bagher
Critical study of the book “HOSN AL-EIJAAZ FI EBTAALEL EAJAAZ [Volume 15, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 67-86]
Riahi Mehr, Bagher
Critique of Orientalists' theory of the Qur’an’s impressionability from the culture of the time [Volume 15, Issue 29, 2021, Pages 65-92]
Sazandegi, Mahdi
Critique of Firestone’s Article “Abraham” (A.S.) [Volume 15, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 165-186]
Shamabadi, Masoud
Investigation of "Numbers" article in Oliver Lyman's Encyclopedia of the Quran [Volume 15, Issue 29, 2021, Pages 255-270]
Soltani, Sayyed Mohammad
A critique of Richard Bell's view about chronology of the Quran [Volume 15, Issue 28, 2021, Pages 187-208]
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